The Evolutionary CANDU 3

13.63. An evolutionary CANDU-type reactor system is being developed to be competitive in the international market with other medium-sized advanced concepts. This system, designated CANDU 3, is a 450-MW(el) plant that features a standardized design and numerous design features intended to achieve a short construction schedule. Prefabricated modules are extensively employed. The basic design is similar to that of the CANDU described previously, and thus takes advantage of proven technology. A new control room includes extensive human factors features similar to those incorporated into evolutionary LWRs in the United States. Design certi­fication by the US NRC is being pursued [8].

Подпись: CHAPTER 14 Plant Operations


14.1. As the nuclear power industry has matured, engineering emphasis has shifted from new construction-related design to operational consider­ations. Although many of the topics covered in previous chapters are rele­vant to plant operations, we are devoting a separate chapter to subjects that are particularly operations related.

14.2. Operational strategy to meet system load, refueling, and main­tenance requirements is an important area of utility engineering manage­ment. Control room operations and associated staff activities are another vital area. Although the subject of reactor control was introduced in Chap­ter 5, we can now provide additional depth, building upon the material of reactor safety and regulation presented in Chapter 12. Practically all aspects of operation is subject to strict licensing requirements, another topic worthy of at least introductory attention.

14.3. As plants approach the end of their original design lifetime, there are some special operational considerations primarily concerned with ma­terials behavior. Also, with no new reactors being built, there is a sub-

stantial economic incentive to extend the operating lifetime of existing reactors. Both of these related subjects will be discussed in this chapter. Finally, the engineering aspects of decommissioning presently operating plants will be treated.