System Features

13.50. Core and vessel features are shown in the Fig. 13.11 assembly. Internal pumps at the bottom of the core shroud force the recirculating water-feedwater mix up through the core. A two-stage steam separator and dryer arrangement is provided as in present BWRs. Since there are no large coolant nozzles below the top of the core, a loss-of-coolant accident is unlikely. Control rod drives have been redesigned to permit fine motion. Numerous other design innovations have been made that improve safety and reduce construction time.

Standardization and Certification

13.51. Standardization regulations provided in 10 CFR 52 have been followed for the entire plant package, including the nuclear steam supply system, or “nuclear island,” the “turbine island,” and the radwaste facility. The resulting certification by NRC is a type of prelicensing which should also reduce construction time significantly (§12.240).