8.37. Familiarity with information resources is an important decision tool for the nuclear reactor engineer. Traditionally, the published literature has been the first step in developing background to solve a given problem. Although an understanding of relevant principles is still essential, conven­ient access to a variety of data bases and other information can expedite problem solving. Our purpose here is to draw attention to some of these resources. A useful guide to nuclear engineering resources is given by Jedruch [8].

8.38. Most practicing engineers recognize the need to update their ex­pertise continually through routine scanning of professional society news magazines and journals devoted to their speciality. We assume that they have access to a technical library and know how to use it to find articles in the archival literature and books of interest. Computerized catalogs are available in most major libraries. Therefore, extensive searches can be carried out quickly. Our objective here is to remind the nuclear reactor engineer of several other important information sources.


8.39. Atomindex, published by the International Atomic Energy Agency, provides comprehensive abstract coverage of the entire field of nuclear engineering and science. Energy Research Abstracts published by the U. S. Department of Energy provides coverage of nuclear and other energy — related activities with particular attention to those is the United States. Research reports, conference proceedings, and various safety-related reg­ulations are covered. It is issued semimonthly and is indexed annually. Therefore, it represents a convenient first step for a literature search. Since it is arranged by subject matter, with detailed subcategories, it is easy to browse through contributions in areas of interest. Sources for the literature cited are given. Another resource is the Engineering Index, which covers all areas of engineering.