Continuous D-T Burn

Tritium fuel cycle characteristics are largely determined by the mode of reactor operation and the source of tritium. We consider first a d-t fusion reactor operating at constant power for which tritium is supplied externally. Hence, the fuel leaks out of the containment vessel along with the fusion reaction products as suggested in Fig. 14.1. Our interest is now in the specification of the tritium inventory in the fusion core and the tritium inflow requirements in terms of some

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Thus, the operation of the fusion core which maximizes <av>dt also minimizes the tritium core inventory.

The tritium injection requirements for steady-state operation, dN, iC/dt = 0, are given by Eq.(14.11):

Ft = — = (14.14)

/, f, Q*

providing therefore, a rigid relationship between the variables of power, bum fraction, and tritium injection rate.