Global Particle Leakage

In addition to the particle-fluid characterization of a plasma, one may identify probabilistic methodologies which, in selected applications are most useful. We discuss here one such approach to the assessment of particle leakage from a fusion reaction volume.

Consider a volume V containing N j(t) particles of the j-type. This population changes with time because of gain and loss reaction rates, R +j and R _j, respectively, and also because of particle injection and leakage rates, F*+j and F*_j, Fig.6.2. The rate equation is evidently

Подпись: Fig. 6.2: Volume V containing population N j(t) which is subjected to gain and loss reaction rates, R +1 and R _j, as well as particle injection and leakage rates, F +J and F _j.

^=(/?;,- — r-і)+(fIj — f:}) . (6.43)

Our interest is specifically in the particle leakage rate F _j and we wish to explore an approach which has no need for a detailed space distribution of the particle population; that is, we consider a probabilistic formulation in an integrated global sense for this arbitrary volume.

A N) / N*j

Подпись: = Xj(t), leakage Подпись: (6.44a)

As our underlying physical basis, we adopt the proposition that the statistically expected fractional change in the population due to particle leakage is — AN*j/N*j in an interval of time At, and is only a function of time. This statement can be expressed in algebraic form as

1 dN) N*• dt

Подпись: - leakage Подпись: (6.44b)

where A, j(t) is a positive function of time to be considered subsequently. For now, we take the limit of At —> dt to write



However, this expression tells us little about the meaning of A-j(t) nor does it provide a suggestion on how to calculate it. This can be resolved if we introduce some probabilistic considerations.

Подпись: (6.48)

Consider the probability density function fj(t) which describes the outcome that a particle j remains in the volume V over a time t until it escapes from the ensemble. Hence, this probability is given by the product of the following probabilities which also define fj(t):

probability of

probability of

f j(t)dt-

non — leakage

leakage during

until time t

time dt


Подпись: (Подпись: expПодпись: [xj(t)dt.image274L V о )_

Note that the substitution here follows directly from Eq.(6.44). Thus, the probability density function of interest is evidently


with the normalization J f j(t)dt = 1 as required.


With fj(t) now specified, we may compute some interesting time dependent quantities. Of particular interest is the particle mean residence time until leakage. Using x j for this quantity, we may compute it as


where in the context of nuclear fusion, x ) is often called the global particle leakage or confinement time. A good estimate of x*j can frequently be obtained from a knowledge of the mean particle speed and the mean cumulative distance a particle travels in a reaction volume.

We add that by a similar derivational development, one may show that the energy leakage rate-that is power leakage-from a fusion reaction volume is given by



where E*(t) is the total energy content of the reaction volume and XE* is the global mean energy leakage time or global energy confinement time.







6.1 Specify the conditions which reduce Eq.(6.21) to its simplest form while still retaining electric and magnetic field effects.

6.2 Consider a particle density N(x, y, z, E, 0, ф) and formulate a reduced transport equation, Eq.(6.42), for each of the following cases:

(a) neutral particles,

(b) monoenergetic particles,

(c) only the z-direction is relevant, and

(d) both the source and collision terms are given.

6.3 Consider a plasma contained between two walls xQ units apart and effectively infinite in the у and z-directions. For the case that the plasma decays by diffusion to the walls and for separability of the form N(r, t) = R(r) T(t), determine N(r, t) throughout this plasma slab region for all time. Sketch this density function.


6.4 Confirm that for a cylindrically-shaped, magnetically confined plasma wherein radial diffusion is the dominant mode of transport, assuming a constant volumetric ion source, the steady state ion density will have the following relationship:

N(r)=N(0)jl-^, (6.54)

where N(0) is the ion density at r = 0, and a is the plasma minor radius. (Note that for these conditions, Eq.(6.10b) becomes VxJ(r) = S = constant.)

6.5 Given Eq.(6.54) for the ion density radial distribution, derive the average ion density.