2.5.1 Total level density

A revised version of the Back Shifted Fermi Gas (BSFG) model parameters was prepared by the Obninsk group to be consistent with both the recom­mended RIPL-2 neutron resonance parameters and the evaluated parameters of the recommended low-lying levels. The new BSFG systematics developed by the Brussels group is consistent with the recommended RIPL-2 neutron resonance parameters, and will be included in the RIPL-2 TECDOC. The Gilbert-Cameron (GC) and Generalized Super-fluid Model (GSM) parame­ters were revised by the Obninsk group in accordance with changes in the RIPL-2 resonance segment. The microscopic HF-BCS calculations of the nu­clear level densities are based on the realistic microscopic single-particle level scheme [11] determined within the HF-BCS mass model obtained with the MSk7 Skyrme force, and were supplied by Goriely and made available from the RIPL-2 library. Also, the single-particle schemes used in the HF-BCS calculations were provided by the Brussels group. In addition, the FRDM single-particle schemes are included as corresponding to the accepted FRDM mass table.