Segment 4: OPTICAL

The optical model parameter (OMP) segment is provided in two forms: full library (archival form) and shorter library with all single-energy potentials removed (user file). Currently, the user (archival) file contains 258 (258) po­tentials for incident neutrons, 98 (143) potentials for incident protons, 8 (11) for deuterons, 1 (26) for tritons, 3 (53) for 3He particles, and 10 (10) for in­cident a-particles. Of the neutron potentials, 229 are spherical potentials, 28 are coupled-channels potentials, and 1 is a vibrational model. There are 6 coupled-channels and 92 spherical potentials for incident protons in the user library, and a total of 5 dispersive optical potentials for incident neu­trons. Additions to the OMP library were made including new potentials from JENDL and from the Chinese Nuclear Data Center, as well as several new potentials from Bruyeres and Los Alamos. The new global potential for neutrons and protons from Koning and Delaroche [10] was incorporated, as were the new dispersive potentials from Capote. Where there are not enough experimental data to define phenomenological OM parameters, one has to resort either to global parameterizations or to new microscopic approaches. The semi-microscopic model developed at Bruyeres is now part of the OM segment, incorporating a revised version of the MOM code which relies on the Jeukenne, Lejeune, and Mahaux nuclear matter approach.

A compilation of 1708 deformation parameters (@2 and вз) for collective levels has been retrieved from the JENDL-3.2 evaluations, ENSDF and lit­erature to be used in direct reaction calculations. These deformations are in addition to those provided explicitly for the Coupled-Channels potentials in the OMP library.