Evaluation of the matrix elements

From the ansatz of our wave function eq. (2.36) we see that the calculation of the necessary matrix elements can be performed in several steps, after decomposing the antisymmetrizer into a sum over all permutations acting on spatial and spin-isospin coordinates: Since the potential terms in the Hamiltonian can be written as a product of operators acting in coordinate space and spin-isospin space separately

^ = ^^(-1)q w° (k> — q)wiijT (k, q) (3Л)

i<j i<j kq

we can also calculate the respective matrix elements of each operator sepa­rately. The rank of the interaction is denoted by k, e. g. k = 1 for the spin orbit force. Since the multi-dimensional integration in coordinate space is usually by far the most elaborate part of the calculation, we first describe the essential parts of this calculation.