Presentation #21 — Lee reviewed feedback

It would have helped to have had Gery’s presentation earlier, before the panel tried to answer seismic question.

Would have been nice to have a video of plants showing various systems as one tours plants with video camera.

Amount of information available was overwhelming; try to do a division of labor so one or two people review something and provide a tutorial to others so everyone is working from same basis; otherwise everyone is inventing the wheel themselves; maybe have a meeting to review these tutorials.

Need a roadmap of where information can be found.

Periodic/weekly update of changes made to ftp site; alternatively an alert message when something added to site; maybe a readme file when something added and what was added and when.

NRC management must make sure that staff are available to panel members during the process; Rob getting pulled off for Davis Besse was a problem; delayed things and then panel members only had a few weeks to respond at the end.

Bruce would like time at meetings to do actual work on elicitations because once they get back home they will get pulled off on to other things and won’t be able to get back to answering questions for a long time.