Presentation #3 — Safety Culture By Rob Tregoning

Bruce commented on VG4 with respect to poor US safety culture that didn’t see a problem until starting seeing circumferential cracks; Pete commented that it was an economic issue since US utilities charge 7 to 10 cents per KW-hr while overseas may charge 40 cents per KW-hr

Karen Gott pointed out that her experience was that the first time a plant experiences a problem it is a big problem so she would agree with second major bullet on VG#4; on second sub-bullet she thought a better word is experience instead of sensitive.

On VG#5 it was pointed out that while the NRC may have only one vote on code changes, it has the ultimate veto vote.

Bruce felt day of single plant utility is numbered. Helmut Schulz and Karen disagreed with the last sub­bullet on VG6; utilities are willing to invest in older plants since they are already paid for (less capital investment); may be a difference in international experience and US practice.

Helmut commented with regards to VG9 on decommissioning that they have not seen any increase in LER events in the last few years before decommissioning for those plants that were decommissioned.

With regard to VG10 and negative bullets related to risk-informed regulation. Bill Galyean commented that utilities have limited resources and risk informed process helps prioritize; Vic Chapman cautioned against turning crank and getting an answer without thinking of why.

Bruce commented that end of plant license renewal may be 80 years not 60; based on comment made at NRC recent meeting.

Helmut pointed out that boric acid corrosion of manway bolts of 15 to 20 years ago was more serious from a LOCA perspective that Davis Besse head problem of today.

Bottom line is no effect of safety culture on LOCA frequencies. There will be no adjustments to frequencies; no major discussion on part of panel with regards to this bottom line conclusion.