The final topic on the agenda was a discussion on the schedule for the elicitations

Rob Tregoning and Lee Abramson want to do 2 elicitations early, possibly the week of July 14th. Then take a month off and restart the elicitations in mid August with the goal of completing all of the elicitations by the end of September. That would leave about a month to analyze the results. Rob is looking for volunteers to be the first two individuals to go through the elicitation process. All panel members should give their schedule to Rob Tregoning so that the individual elicitations can be scheduled.

Once the elicitations are complete and the results analyzed, a wrap-up meeting will be held in the October/November timeframe. As part of this meeting the calculated LOCA frequencies will be presented and any interesting and surprising results from individual questions will also be presented. The panel will also be solicited for feedback on the process. We will try to identify strengths and weaknesses with the process. Any necessary follow-on work will be defined during this meeting. We are also open to suggestions for conducting a reanalysis of these results in ten years. It is anticipated that the wrap-up meeting will take two days.

Again, it was noted that the panel members can change the results after their individual elicitations and after the wrap-up meeting. However, the final report must be submitted by the end of December. It is too premature to speculate on the form of the final report. However, confidentiality of the individual elicitation opinions will be maintained.