Mr. Lydell has 30 years of risk and reliability analysis experience. Prior to joining ERIN®, he held positions with the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI), Pickard, Lowe and Garrick, Inc., and NUS Corporation. Mr. Lydell has extensive, practical experience with applied quantitative risk assessment. In various capacities (systems analyst, human reliability analyst, independent reviewer), he has supported numerous domestic and foreign PSA projects (Level 1 and 2, and internal flooding). As an independent contractor, during the period 1993-99 he performed R&D in piping reliability analysis for the oil and gas and nuclear industries. This work explored field experience data and its role in quantitative piping reliability analysis, including the interfaces between PSA requirements and PFM. The SKI pipe failure database resulted from this work. Under contract to SKI and BKAB (a Swedish utility), during 1998-99 he performed a pilot LOCA-frequency study; a summary report is published as SKI Report 98:30 (May 1999). This particular study was commissioned to address the feasibility of applying BWR pipe operational experience data to the estimation of plant-specific LOCA frequencies. The SKI pipe failure database formed the basis for the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s “OECD Pipe Failure Data Exchange” Project (OPDE), an international forum for the exchange of pipe failure information. Managed by Mr. Lydell, a clearinghouse is operating the OPDE database and provides the quality assurance function.