The design and application of a plant life management (PLiM) programme has been a concern for both Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica (CNEA) and Central Nuclear Embalse (CNE).

Recently, the utility (CNE) and the research and development institution (CNEA) have signed an agreement in order to enface together the problem as a whole. Plant operation experience provided by CNE and research resources of CNEA are sinergycally combined to achieve the objectives of this challenging task.

The first step of the project was an intensive training course taken by engineers from the utility and from the research institute. Trained staff from both institutions is leading the pilot project and building the PLiM team up, incorporating and training new personnel.

This activity this organized one in two ways, one to assure the safe operation until the end of the design life and the preparation for the operation for long time, for this we are working in a pilot project.