Hydro Quebec (Gentilly 2)

• Performed life assessments on most important critical components and structures

• Carried out plant wide condition assessment, involving major systems, components, structures and commodity groups

• The SSC ageing assessments have provided important inputs into decisions for the life extension investment on items such as: Reactor core pressure tubes and calandria tubes, plus all the feeders, turbine refurbishment, control computer (DCC) replacement, shutdown system improvements, turbine condenser retubing.

• HQ has embarked upon a pre-project refurbishment project for G2. Positive decisions are expected from Quebec and Canadian governments on the environmental impact evaluation (although it was noted that this evaluation did not recognize that nuclear production is free of greenhouse gases).

• Ongoing programme on maintenance planning improvements.

• Prognosis is good for extended service operation of an additional 120, 000 effective full power hours, after an 18 months refurbishment outage in 2010-11.

CANDU Owner’s Group (GOG)

• Manages joint research & development programmes on behalf of CANDU industry participants, including projects on ageing mechanisms; on fuel channels, steam generators and other components; chemistry, degradation and materials; fitness-for — service guidelines; inspection method development.

• Provides an information exchange programme to maximize use of information that will lead to improved safety and performance. This includes gathering of OPEX data and providing to its members, as well as organizing station support workshops.

• Manages projects on feeders and the pressure tube surveillance.

• Periodically issues OPEX reports focussed on specific issues or components.

• Investigating long term support for DCC replacement.