After assessing remaining life of a component, recommendations are to be developed for more detailed life evaluations and in-depth analyses of fuel channel for identified degradation areas, then the recommendations to be performed as a part of Phase II PLiM programme. The followings can be issued for the recommendations of life management of fuel channels: stress analysis for nip-up condition and feeder coupling load, bearing chamfer operation for channel shift work, preparation for large scale fuel channel replacement, revision of in-service inspection programme, and etc.


The methodology for ageing assessment of CANDU6 plant was introduced by showing the experience of Wolsong-1 plant lifetime management Phase I project. The life evaluation of major critical systems, structures, and components (CSSCs), and embedded commodities has been performed. Those CSSCs were selected by screening and prioritized methodology developed by KEPRI. General approach of ageing assessment, relation of PLiM and periodic safety review (PSR), detail screening method used were explained with an actual experience in technical evaluations.