
For the experimental measurements, several specimens containing corrosion products were taken from different parts of all of 4 NPP Bohunice units. In the first step, corrosion process at the steam generators was studied. The corrosion layers were separated by scraping the rust off the surface and the powder samples were studied by transmission Mossbauer spectroscopy. It should be noted that the gamma spectroscopic measurements gave no evidence of the presence of low-energy gamma radiation emitted from the samples. Later, the corrosion products were collected also from different parts of secondary circuit components and several filter deposits were analysed as well.

The room temperature Mossabuer study was performed on two different steam generator materials using conventional transmission Mossbauer spectrometer with the source 57Co in Rh matrix. The spectra were fitted using NORMOS program.

The original STN 12022 material used at the 4th (SG46) over 13 years was compared to STN 17247 steel used at the 3rd unit (SG35) for about 5 years (1994-1998). The chemical compositions of both materials are shown in Table 1.

Samples of corrosion products scrapped from different parts of the steam generators SG 35 and SG46 were analysed. The scrapped corrosion particles were homogenised by granulation and sieved through a of 50pm wire sieve.