Containment pressure suppression system (PSS)

The containment pressure suppression system (PSS), shown in Figure XVI-3, consists of six water tanks and a common tank for non-condensable gas storage. Each suppression water tank is connected to the containment atmosphere through a vent pipe connected to a submerged sparger so that steam released in the containment following a loss of coolant or steam/feed line break accident is condensed. The suppression system limits the peak containment pressure, following the most limiting blowdown event, to less than 1.0 MPa (130 psig), which is much lower than the containment design pressure. The suppression system water tanks also provide an elevated source of water that is available for gravity injection into the reactor vessel through the DVI lines in the event of a LOCA.


FIG. XVI-3. IRIS spherical steel containment arrangement.

The IRIS design includes a specially constructed lower containment volume that collects the liquid break flow, as well as any condensate from the containment, in a cavity where the reactor vessel is located. Following a LOCA, the cavity floods above the core level, creating a gravity head of water sufficient to provide coolant makeup to the reactor vessel through the DVI lines. This cavity also ensures that the lower outside portion of the RV surface is or can be wetted following postulated core damage events.

As in the AP600/AP1000, the IRIS safety system design uses gravitational forces instead of active components such as pumps, fan coolers or sprays and their supporting systems. The safety strategy of IRIS provides a diverse means of core shutdown by makeup of borated water from the EBT in addition to the control rods; also, the EHRS provides a means of core cooling and heat removal to the environment in the event that normally available active systems are not available. In the event of a significant loss of primary-side water inventory, the primary line of defence for IRIS is represented by the large coolant inventory in the reactor vessel and the fact that EHRS operation limits the loss of mass, thus maintaining a sufficient inventory in the primary system and guaranteeing that the core will remain covered for all postulated events. The EBT is capable of providing some primary system injection at high pressure, but this is not necessary, since the IRIS strategy relies on ‘maintaining’ coolant inventory, rather than ‘injecting’ makeup water. This strategy is sufficient to ensure that the core remains covered with water for an extended period of time (days and possibly weeks).

Thus, IRIS does not require and does not have the high capacity, safety grade, and high pressure safety injection system characteristic of loop reactors. Of course, when the reactor vessel is depressurised to near containment pressure, gravity flow from the suppression system and from the flooded reactor cavity will maintain the RV coolant inventory for an unlimited period of time. However, this function would not be strictly necessary for any reasonable recovery period since the core decay heat is removed directly by condensing steam inside the pressure vessel, thus preventing any primary water from leaving the pressure vessel.

The IRIS design also includes a second means of core cooling via containment cooling, since the vessel and containment become thermodynamically coupled once a break occurs. Should cooling via the EHRS be defeated, direct cooling of the containment outer surface is provided and containment pressurization is limited to less than its design pressure. This cooling plus multiple means of providing gravity driven makeup to the core provide a means of preventing core damage and ensuring containment integrity and heat removal to the environment that is diverse from the EHRS operation.


[1] COLLADO, J. M., Design of the reactor pressure vessel and internals of the IRIS integrated nuclear system, Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (Proc. Int. Congress Cordoba, Spain, 2003), ICAPP03- ISBN: 0-89448-675-6 (2003).

[2] INTERNATIOAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Innovative small and medium sized reactors: Design features, safety approaches and R&D trends: Final report of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 7-11 June 2004, IAEA-TECDOC-1451, Vienna (2005).