Regulatory oversight of refuelling outages and other extended outages

The NPP will have to be shut down periodically for extended periods for refuelling or for the carrying out of major maintenance work. Maintenance work is generally conducted during outages for refuelling. All activities during such extended outages should be carefully checked by the RB from a safety angle. At the end of such outages, a report should be submitted to the RB giving details of all safety-significant work done, including results of the in-service inspections and surveillance checks carried out. This report should be formally reviewed by the RB and clearance for restart of the reactor given, after confirming that the NPP meets the licensing conditions.

A large number of outside personnel, such as contractors, are likely to be engaged during such outages to carry out specific work. The RB should ensure that these personnel are given necessary training to carry out the activities, following specified radiation protection procedures and other safety requirements.