Nuclear fuel scope of supply

A section of the SS document should be dedicated to specifying the scope of supply for nuclear fuel and associated services. Alternatively, this portion of the scope could be included in the nuclear fuel (NF) document of the BIS, which would be a comprehensive, self-supporting document dedicated entirely to the scope of supply and services, technical requirements and commercial conditions for nuclear fuel.

Standard practice is to request the following from the complete plant supplier (turnkey approach), from the nuclear island supplier (split-pack­age approach) or from the NSSS supplier (multi-package approach): [105]

draulic design documents; provision to the owner of all necessary fuel data for him to achieve fuel procurement from third parties, if he should so decide in the future; and supply of all quality assurance and quality control manuals, procedures and records related to the nuclear fuel supply.

• Investment for reload batches. As an option, the bidder is usually requested to submit a proposal for the provision of a limited number of reload batches (usually two or three, sometimes more), sufficient for the owner’s fuel specialists to familiarise themselves with the nuclear fuel and reactor core design and gain sufficient knowledge to decide whether to continue with the original fuel supplier or purchase it on the market from third parties. An alternative to requesting a specific number of reload batches consists in requesting the supply of reload batches neces­sary for a given period of operation (e. g. 4 or 5 years), after which familiarisation is expected to be achieved.

• Together with each subsequent reload, the supplier is normally requested to provide the associated fuel management services (e. g. core design, safety analysis, reload licensing).