ATMEA1 brings together field-proven technology that is already incorpo­rated into AREVA’s EPR and MHI’s APWR. It is a three-loop PWR that relies primarily on active safety systems, and incorporates severe accident mitigation features. Fuel cycle lengths can be set to be from 12 to 24 months. Fuel management variations in ATMEA1 can go from a full uranium oxide core to a mixed core with MOX fuel up to one-third of the core for the standard design, and up to 100% without any major design modification. The core design includes a radial neutron reflector that improves neutron utilization, thus reducing the fuel consumption, and reduces the irradiation to the vessel.


CAREM (in Spanish, Central Argentina de Elementos Modulares) is an Argentinian nuclear reactor that has an indirect-cycle reactor with some distinctive and characteristic features that greatly simplify the design, such as an integrated primary cooling system, self-pressurized primary system and safety systems relying on passive features. The first step of this project is the construction of a 27 MWe (CAREM-25) prototype in Argentina. CAREM has been recognized as an International Near Term Deployment (INTD) reactor by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF).