Statistics of Woody Biomass Including Wood-Based Panels

Wood biomass includes bark, sawdust, and cut-offs from lumber, veneer, plywood, and engineered wood products. The total amount of woody biomass use in Japan was 10,782,000 m3 in 2006. Almost all of this (10,197,000 m3 (95%)) was used as a biomass resource, while the rest was discarded. Woody biomass is classified as: 1) wood chips, 4,408,000 m3 (43%); 2) fuel,

2.330.0 m3 (23%); 3) livestock bedding materials, 2,256,000 m3 (2 %); 4) compost or soil improvement materials, 580,000 m3 (5.7%); and 5) wood-based panels such as particleboard

258.0 m3 (2.5%). Fuel (2,330,000 m3) is classified as: 1) energy for operating drying kilns (1,550,000 m3), 2) electric power (595,000 m3), and 3) energy for manufacturing pellets (46,000 m3).