Future Lines

Research in most of the nonedible oil crops previously mentioned has been insufficient. To determine the viability of their use as a source of biodiesel and to optimize the transesterification as well as engine per­formance, more research is needed. But, there are also other nonedible and low-cost edible oily crops and trees that could be exploited for biodiesel production. Amongst them, allanblackia, bitter almond, chaul — moogra, papaya, sal, tung, and ucuuba produce oils that hold immense potential to be used as a raw material for producing biodiesel. Most of them grow in underdeveloped and developing countries, where govern­ments may consider providing support to the activities related to col­lection of seeds, production of oil, production of biodiesel, and its utilization for cleaner environment. Hence, to facilitate its integration, a legal framework should be legislated to enforce regulations on biodiesel. Biodiesel should be seriously considered as a potential source of energy, particularly in underdeveloped and developing countries with very tight foreign exchange positions and insufficient availability of traditional fuels.