At the landing or terminal

Solid content conversion rates for stacked harvesting residues, FT, or roughly debranched stems should be developed regionally and according to species. Apart from errors arising from edge effect, a good relationship can be obtained between running metre of stacked volume and solid volume. A simple way of developing such conversion rates is by chipping the stack into a container of known volume. The dry mass of the chips arising from this process is then compared with the dry mass of the tree species in question in determining solid volume equivalents. It should be remembered that high branch content will yield a dry mass higher than the mean for stem-wood for the same species. On Site (pre — or postharvest)

On site estimation of biomass involves an enumeration of standing trees or residues/stumps after harvesting. Methods of ensuring reliable estimations are given in Chap. 3. Some adjustment needs to be made as varying percentages of the measured volumes are utilisable. For harvesting residues after the CTL method, about 70 % of volume is typically recovered.