. Type B Responses (a. k. a. Type I Responses)

The leaf area deployed governs the interception of solar radiation, which is pivotal in the production ecology equation presented above. The sooner that the leaf area index (LAI) can reach a peak value, the sooner optimal growth can take place because radiation interception is linearly related to biomass production (Linder 1985; Turnbull et al. 1988; Dovey 2005). In short rotations, such as bio-energy crops, the time period from planting until deployment of peak LAI may make up a substantial portion of the full rotation length, and it is thus of critical importance minimise this period. The rapid deployment of a peak LAI is aided by high planting densities, but as described in Sect. 5.3, expensive harvesting operations also place a limit on the stand density that can be used, because of harvesting piece size constraints.

Rapid deployment of peak LAI can be achieved by intensive silvicultural management which will boost the availability of soil water and nutrients to young transplants. Management of competing vegetation and fertilization at time of establishment are two critically important operations in this regard (Little and Van Staden 2003; Wagner et al. 2006; Little et al. 2007; du Toit et al. 2010). Fertilization should be site — and crop specific to ensure best economic returns.

Hardwood stands usually have a very high demand for nutrients in the period up to and including canopy closure, e. g. Laclau et al. (2003). Research on fertilization of short-rotation Acacia and Eucalyptus tree crops in warm climates initially focussed on relatively small applications (of mainly N and P) that would boost stand productivity (Williams 1928; Beard 1952; Schonau 1983, 1984; Herbert and Schonau 1989). Fertilization at (or soon after) establishment is commonly done by commercial tree growers because of the relatively low input costs and large gains on highly weathered, P deficient sites, or alternatively, gains due to Type B responses eluded to earlier in this chapter (Barros et al. 1992, 2004; Herbert 1996; du Toit 2002; Gonsalves et al. 2008; Bennett et al. 1997; du Toit et al. 2010; Maree et al. 2012). Application rates for this type of fertilizer application usually include P at
10-40 g per tree (Gonsalves et al. 2004; du Toit et al. 2010). In specific cases, responses to additional N (0-30 g N per tree) K (0-15 g per tree) and small quantities of B has been observed (Gonqalves et al. 2004; du Toit et al. 2010). This need for N applications depends on the soil conditions (Noble and Herbert 1991) and site preparation/slash management options (du Toit and Dovey 2005; Smith and du Toit 2005; du Toit et al. 2008). Gonqalves et al. (2004, 2008), as well as Gava (1997) make the point that N and K applications are becoming more common in eucalypt plantations that have undergone several crop cycles, apparently due to increase nutrient losses in harvesting the possible depletion of readily mineralisable N.

In pine plantations, P fertilization during the establishment phase (commonly at levels between 20 and 60 kg/ha) may lead to large growth responses, but this is mainly limited to highly weathered, P deficient soils (Donald 1987; Xu et al. 1995a, b; Fox et al. 2007a; Kotze and du Toit 2012). Furthermore, pines in subtropical and warm temperate climates have generally shown the biggest responses to nutrient additions during mid or late rotation periods (12-20 years of age), when nutrient demand is much larger than supply (Donald 1987; Payn et al. 1988; Turner et al. 1996; Carlson 2000; Fox et al. 2007a; Kotze and du Toit 2012). Levels of 200­400 kg ofN and 50-100 kg of P commonly give good results in mid-rotation pines. Fertilization after 12 years of age may be too late in very short rotations grown for biomass, especially if they are planted at higher stand densities. However, it appears that younger pine stands may have sufficient capacity to take up moderate nutrient applications, judging from the responses to P, K and Mg applications have been documented at time of canopy closure (age of first pruning in most stands under conventional management regimes) where acute deficiencies existed (Kotze and du Toit 2012). This finding may be of importance to short rotation pine stands that are under pressure from nutrient depletion: Economic responses can be obtained by such early fertilization efforts.

The application of hydrogels can also improve water availability during a critical period following planting (Viero and Little 2006). In addition to minimising compe­tition, vegetation management also ensures a more homogenous crop, and this will result in the greater partitioning of NPP to above-ground biomass production, which is an added benefit.