Optimising Growth Conditions at Time of Establishment Through Harvest Residue (Slash) Management and Soil Tillage

Site preparation techniques (soil tillage and/or slash management) as well as harvesting impacts management aim to improve conditions for early tree and root growth by improving some or all of the following properties: soil aeration in waterlogged soils (Zwolinski et al. 2002), water infiltration, microclimatic conditions near the transplant (Carlson et al. 2004), soil nutrient mineralisation rates (du Toit and Dovey 2005; du Toit et al. 2008), or by ameliorating root growth impediments such as hard-setting soils (Gonsalves et al. 2008), semi-impenetrable or compacted layers (Smith et al. 2000, 2001) or competing vegetation (Little et al. 2001). Experimental evidence show that, where site-appropriate slash management or site preparation techniques have been applied, it had a significant impact on transplant survival and eventually on stand productivity at time of harvesting (du Toit and Dovey 2005; Gonqalves et al. 2007; du Toit et al. 2010). Conversely, the application of intensive tillage operations to situations where it did not alleviate growth-limiting situations have been shown to result in poor long-term growth responses, which, considering the high input costs, may be uneconomical (Smith et al. 2001; Lacey et al. 2001; Carlson et al. 2006; Lincoln et al. 2007). The key is thus to recognise opportunities where site preparation activities can successfully be applied and to rather implement minimum cultivation and tillage and slash conservation measures on site where the risks are high or where responses are likely to be small (Smith et al. 2000, 2001; Gonqalves et al. 2008). Some of the most important findings emanating from intensive experimentation on these issues in South Africa, Brazil, South-eastern USA and Australia are highlighted below.

When afforesting for the first time into dense native vegetation, such as grassland, it is advisable to implement intensive surface cultivation techniques, provided that the slope is not too steep and that so-called duplex soils are avoided (i. e. light textured topsoils such as sands/loamy sands with an abrupt transition to a heavy texture such as clays or silty clays). The surface cultivation eliminates the competing vegetation and stimulates an increase in nutrient mineralization after tillage, which will boost early tree growth. Basal area improvements at maturity of 11-52 % have been recorded in South Africa for a range of eucalypt stands with this treatment (Smith et al. 2000; du Toit et al. 2010).

In re-establishment situations, significant responses to surface cultivation are far less likely due to the beneficial effect of old root channels from previous crops, especially if soil structure or consistency does not limit root growth (Smith et al. 2001; Nambiar and Sands 1990), and the (generally) lower levels of competing vegetation that can form a dense root mat. In all these cases, minimum cultivation is recommended (Gonsalves et al. 2008). In exceptional cases, where soils have a hard — setting consistency (cohesive soils) or have suffered compaction, surface cultivation techniques such as shallow ripping could improve tree growth significantly. This approach is especially attractive likely on short rotations where drought risk in the mature phase of the crop is less likely (Gonqalves et al. 2008).

Early growth responses to deep subsoiling have been recorded on many soil types, only to diminish over time and becoming insignificant or uneconomical during drought periods or by rotation end (Smith et al. 2001; Gonqalves et al. 2008). Deep subsoiling is only economically justifiable in highly specialised situations, e. g. where inaccessible layers of soil or highly weathered saprolite can be made acces­sible to tree roots following subsoiling. Additional examples of inappropriate soil tillage operations are deep subsoiling operations in soils that have no macrostructure or hard-setting attributes, or excessive tillage and cultivation of duplex soils that are highly erodible. Soil quality can also be degraded by nutrient depletion (e. g. high — intensity slash burning on nutrient poor soils) or by excessive and frequent tillage of soils that will speed up mineralisation and subsequent leaching losses of soil carbon and nitrogen in young stands (Smith et al. 2001;du Toit et al. 2001,2010) This issue is discussed more fully in Chap. 10.

Land surface modifications such as ridging and trenching can be highly beneficial where permanent or prolonged waterlogging (e. g. on flat slopes) limits root aeration and nutrient availability (Zwolinski et al. 2002; Kyle et al. 2005), especially in short rotation crops. However, this practice is certainly not suitable for moderate to well drained soils (especially those in dry climates), as it will render stands more vulnerable to drought stress.

In the preceding paragraphs, we discussed the effects of slash management operations in the inter-rotation period on nutrient supply to newly established tree stands. In very intensive biomass production systems, where most of the above ground biomass is harvested in ultra-short rotations, minimal harvest residue will remain on site. Furthermore, ultra short rotations will mean that between roughly 20 and 50 % of the stand’s lifespan is spent in a pre-canopy closure state, where litterfall is nil or minimal. It follows that the forest floor will most probably be greatly reduced in size (compared to longer rotations) because litterfall inputs are lower and mineralisation rates in the semi-open canopy are usually faster due to increased temperature and water availability. An international trial series in tropical climates simulating such an intensive utilization scenario has recently been completed where harvest residue plus forest floor material was removed in certain treatments. Results showed that removal of residue plus forest floor will almost certainly result in depressed growth of subsequent rotation(s) of trees on nutrient poor soils (Deleporte et al. 2008; Gonsalves et al. 2007; Mendham et al. 2008), but interestingly, also on sites that are nutrient rich by forestry standards (du Toit et al. 2008; Mendham et al. 2008). The reason for this seems to be not just impact of removing a certain percentage of the total nutrient pool in the system, but rather the removal of a substantial percentage of the readily mineralizable nutrient pool (du Toit and Dovey 2005; du Toit et al. 2008). This finding has serious implications for the long-term nutritional sustainability of biomass harvesting systems that collect all (or most of) the above-ground biomass, and will be discussed further in Chap. 10. The removal of predominantly woody material from the harvesting residue (i. e. leaving the fine twigs and foliage plus the forest floor in situ) has shown much smaller impacts and can potentially be managed sustainably with much smaller external nutrient inputs (Dovey 2012).