Stocking and Basal Area

The available literature on Southern African woodland indicates that stem density vary significantly from one woodland type to another and also whether the woodland is a regrowth or not. Density ranged from 837 to 1,131 stems ha_1 in old growth Kalahari woodlands of the undifferentiated woodland while in Miombo old growth, the stocking was reported to be 2,434-2,773 stems ha_1 on average (Syampungani 2008). Higher variations in stocking (stems/ha) have also been observed in mesic, semiarid and arid localities in central lowveld of the South African savannas; Shackleton and Scholes (2011) recorded higher values in mesic (18,530 stems ha_1) compared to semi-arid (3,996 stems ha_1) and arid (3,978 stems ha_1) localities. A comparison of regrowth stand densities between Kalahari woodlands and miombo woodlands indicated a significant variation from 1,131 to 6,685 stems ha_1 in

Table 4.2 Biomass related parameters of Southern Africa woodlands

Range of variables

Vegetation type


Density (stems ha-1)


Re-growth (miombo)

Syampungani et al. (2010), Strang (1974)


Uneven aged mature woodland (miombo)

Syampungani (2008)


Uneven aged mature woodland (South African Central lowveld)

Shackleton and Scholes (2011)


Uneven aged mature woodland (Kalahari)

Timberlake et al. (2010)


Regrowth (Kalahari)

Timberlake et al. (2010)

Basal area (m2)


Uneven aged mature woodland (Miombo)

Lowore et al. (1994), Freson et al. (1974)


Uneven aged mature woodland (South African Central lowveld)

Shackleton and Scholes (2011)

Mean biomass


Uneven aged mature

Chidumayo (1990, 1991),


woodland (Miombo & Mopane woodland)

Tietema (1993)


Uneven aged mature woodland

Guys (1981), Martin (1974)


Uneven aged mature woodland (South African Central lowveld)

Shackleton and Scholes (2011)

Growth rate (Mean


Regrowth (Miombo)

Syampungani et al. (2010)

annual ring


Uneven aged mature

Shackleton (2002), von Maltitz

width, mm)

woodland (Miombo & South African savannas)

and Rathogwa (1999), Chidumayo (1988a, b)

Miombo woodland to 7,264 to 9,700 stems ha_1 in Kalahari woodlands (Table 4.2). A variation in stocking per recovery stage/disturbance factor was reported by Strang (1974). Initially, a steady increase in stocking from 925 to 5,810 stems ha_1 was observed between 1.5 and 18 years since cutting in the Rhodesian (now Zimbabwean) Highveld which was protected against fires (Strang 1974). However, lower stocking levels were observed in the same locality which was constantly experiencing fires (Strang 1974).

The basal area ranged from 7 to 22 m2 ha_1 in old uneven aged stands of various woodland types (Table 4.2) with the lowest being recorded on lithosols in Southern Malawi at about 650 mm mean annual precipitation and the highest being recorded in wet miombo woodland deep soils of the Democratic Republic of Congo at 1,270 mm rainfall (Lowore et al. 1994; Freson et al. 1974). Lower basal area (e. g. 9.81 m2 ha_1) was mostly associated with young regrowth stands of up to 20 years old since cutting (Chidumayo 1987). However, higher values of stand basal areas of between 30 and 50 m2 ha_1 have been recorded in wet miombo and dry miombo of Zambia and Zimbabwe respectively, in small sized plots (Chidmayo 1985; Grundy 1995).