Burn Less Fossil Fuel

The reduction in fossil fuel use for electricity generation, heating/cooling and trans­port may involve a large number of measures, some of which are as follows:

• Increased engine efficiency.

• Increased power generation efficiency.

• Local electricity generation and distribution.

• Better home insulation.

• Fewer car and lorry journeys.

• Greater use of public transport.

• Greater use of biofuels.

• Alternative power systems.

• Changes in house design.

• Reduction in long-distance transport of material which can be sourced locally, and reduction in air miles.

Energy efficiency measures such as insulation, building design, light bulbs, stand-by default on televisions and other consumer electronics have been estimated to make a major contribution to reduction in energy use. The EU Emissions Trading Scheme and the Climate Change Levy should also encourage cost-effective energy saving, estimated at reducing carbon emissions by 6-9 Mt. Transport uses over 30% of the total energy, therefore continued increases in engine efficiency should give significant savings.