Determination of wheat grain quality

Protein (N x 5.70) content was determined by Kjeldahl method by automatic nitrogen analyzer (methodology ISO 1871:1975). Falling number was determined according to ISO 3093:2004. Gluten content was determined by Glutomatic according to ISO 7495:1990. Sedimentation index of wheat flour (Zeleny sedimentation test) was determined according ISO 5529:1992. Determination of bulk density, called "mass per hectoliter" was performed according to ISO 7971-2:1995.

1.1.4 Replicates and statistical analysis

All variants were cultivated and treated in four replicates. Statistical evaluation was performed with ANOVA. Post-hoc analyses were performed by Tukey’s HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test (p < 0.05) for metals content and by Fisher’s LSD (Least Significant Difference) test (p < 0.05) for grain quality parameters, thousand-grain weight and yield of grain.