Daily radiation on an inclined surface

Liu and Jordan extended their model of division, which is valid for monthly average radiation values, to the valuation of daily global radiation received on an inclined surface. If K is the daily clearness index, which is equal to H/Hex (i. e. the ratio between daily radiation and extraterrestrial radiation received on a horizontal surface on a specific day), the ratio between diffuse radiation and global radiation received on a horizontal surface on a certain day has to be cal­culated as follows:

D/H = 1.0045+ 0.04349K -3.5227K2 + 2.6313K3 se K < 0.75 (^

D/H = 0.166 seK > 0.75

The direct component is calculated by the difference:

B = H — D (44)

The daily global radiation on an arbitrary inclined surface can be calculated using the following expression:

E = Rb B + Rd D + Rr(B + D) (45)

where Rb, Rd and Rr are the inclination coefficients of direct, diffuse and reflected radiation determined, respectively, by eqns (29), (32) and (34), but for the chosen day [1].