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14 декабря, 2021
The Cyanophyta is a unique group of prokaryotic microorganisms and a member of a large group of photosynthetic organisms [28]. In contrast to purple and green bacteria, the photosynthetic mechanism of cyanobacteria is oxygenic and similar to the photosynthesis mechanism in plants and algae. Several filamentous blue-green algae are able to form heterocysts, which contain the enzyme nitrogenase and fix atmospheric nitrogen [29]. Cyanobacteria possess chlorophyll a and phycobilipro — teins as part of their light harvesting antennae [30] . But cyanobacteria lack membrane-bound cell organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast), which are defining characteristics of the Eukaryotic Kingdom [31]. Cyanobacteria are found elsewhere in marine, brackish water, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats with a variety of morphological forms: unicellular and colonial non-motile, colonial, and filamentous [32, 33]. The characteristics of Cyanophyta are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 Cyanophyta species major organic matter characteristics
Characteristic Description References
Nutrient reserves Cyanophycean starch (a-1,4-glucan) as carbon and [31, 492-496]
energy; cyanophycin (arginine and asparagine polymer) as nitrogen storage; polyphosphate as phosphorus storage; poly(hydroxyalkanoate)
Cell wall organization Multiple-layered. Envelope consists of cytoplasmic [497-504]
membrane and cell wall. Optional outer membrane, s-layer, sheath, capsule, and slime. Four-layered peptidoglycan (murein) is principal component.
Consists of glycan backbone with peptide cross linkages
Table 3 Biochemical and chemical composition of selected cyanobacteria
Table 4 Productivity of cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria are used for a variety of purposes including as a food and feed supplement due to their high protein (Table 3) and vitamin content, as a good source of fiber, and for their good digestibility. Other current and prospective applications of cyanobacteria include the production of pharmaceuticals (antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer compounds), enzymes, wastewater treatment, and use as a biofertilizer [34, 35]. Cyanobacterial species are characterized by high productivity (Table 4).
Characteristic |
Description |
References |
Nutrient reserves |
Floridean starch (a-1,4-glucan) in cytoplasm for long-term storage. Sugars and glycosides (trehalose, floridoside, maltose, sucrose) are the primary products of photosynthesis |
Cell wall organization |
Multiple-layered. Amorphous mucilage from sulfated polysaccharides (agars and carrageenans) about 70% from dry weight Florideophyceae—rigid cellulose polysaccharides Bangiophycidae—rigid b-1,3xylan. Outercuticle from protein or b-1,4mannan Corralinaceae and some Nemaliales calcified with CaCO3 |