Catalytic gasification and pyrolysis

Since the beginning of coal gasification, catalysts have been sought that would improve carbon conversion to products and increase gasification rates, while minimizing temperature to increase process efficiency. Alkali metals have long demonstrated catalytic activity in steam gasification of solid fuels, and metal-based catalysts — particularly nickel-based materials — are active and effective for hydrocarbon reforming. More R&D along these lines is needed to achieve higher carbon conversions and increased efficiencies in gasification. In the area of pyrolysis, catalytic pyrolysis processes are needed to improve selectivities to more desirable compounds. Lignin utilization

Integrating and using lignin residues produced from biochemical-based biorefineries will be key factors in establishing the long-term viability of lignocellulosic biorefineries and maximizing biomass use for fuel production. First-generation biorefineries, call for the lignin to be simply burned to supply the heat and power needs of the biorefinery. Although this is economically viable in the near-term, ultimately because lignin is a complex but lower-value biomass component, it is essential that new technologies increase its value to enhance the competitiveness of integrated biorefineries. Selective thermal transformation of fractionated biomass

A range of alternative conversion options is envisaged through the fractionation of biomass into specific components. A narrower, more uniform biomass fraction opens the possibility of developing thermochemical conversion options with high yields and selectivities.