Sustaining sugarcane biomass productivity

The total biomass production of five commercial sugarcane varieties grown on the estate across all crop cycles (plant and three ratoons) was developed.

The data on cane yield and cane productivity of plant and ratoon crops between 1995-1996 and 2009-2010 were collected from annual reports and compared to experimental data. The total bio-mass (cane, trash and tops) production in plant and two ratoons were recorded at harvest age i. e. 18 and 17 months for plant and ratoon crops respectively. Data was collected from three locations of plot size 54 m2 (4 rows of 10m length). Nutrient status of crop residues on oven dry basis was adopted as suggested by " see [11] " for calculation of nutrient return to the soil and nutrients available to succeeding crop.

A replicated trial with four replications was established during 2009-2010 with different levels of chemical fertilizers and factory by-products (filter mud and boiler ash) to test their influence on cane and sugar yields.

Semi-commercial trials were established on the estate to study the influence of green manuring with sunn hemp against no green manured blocks (control), aggressive tillage against reduced tillage, and intercropping with legumes on cane yield and juice quality parameters.

Field studies were conducted during 2002-2004 and 2007-2009 to evaluate the influence of different levels of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) and sulphur (S) on cane yield and juice quality of plant crop of sugarcane.

The cane yield data on green cane vs burnt cane harvesting systems, and aggressive vs reduced tillage operations were collected and analysed for biomass yield.