Applications in aquaculture

1.1. Nursery and grow-out

Nursery phase is defined as an intermediate step between hatchery-reared early postlarvae and grow-out phase [48]. Such phase presents several benefits such as optimization of farm land, increase in survival and enhanced growth performance in grow-out ponds [49-51]. BFT has been applied successfully in nursery phase in different shrimp species such as L. vannamei [44, 48], P. monodon [51], F. paulensis [15, 46], F. brasiliensis [37, 52] and F. setiferus

[34] . The primary advantage observed is related to a better nutrition by continuous consumption of biofloc, which might positively influence grow-out performance a posteriori [53], but was not always the case [54]. In addition, optimization of farm facilities provided by the high stocking densities in BFT nursery phase seems to be an important advantage to achieve profitability in small farms, mainly in cold regions or when farmers are operating indoor facilities.

In [46] was observed that presence of bioflocs resulted in increases of 50% in weight and almost 80% in final biomass in F. paulensis early postlarval stage when compared to conventional clear-water system. This trend was observed even when postlarvae were not fed with a commercial feed (biofloc without commercial feed). In L. vannamei nursery in BFT conditions, references [48] and [55] reported survival rates ranging from 55.9% to 100% and 97% and 100%, respectively. In [51] was demonstrated that the addition of substrates in BFT systems increased growth and further enhanced production, while also contributing to more favorable water quality conditions. According to the same study, growth and survival was not affected by stocking density (2500 vs 5000 PL/m2), therefore greater production outputs were achieved at the higher density. Furthermore, in [37] was found that F. brasiliensis postlarvae grow similarly with or without pelletized feed in biofloc conditions during 30-d of nursery phase, which was 40% more than conventional clear-water continuous exchange system.

In grow-out, BFT has been also shown nutritional and zootechnical benefits. In [9] was estimated that more than 29% of the daily food intake of L. vannamei consisted of microbial flocs, decreasing FCR and reducing costs in feed. The reference [10] showed that juveniles of L. vannamei fed with 35% CP pelletized feed grew significantly better in biofloc conditions as compared to clear-water conditions. In [28] was showed that controlling the concentration of particles in super-intensive shrimp culture systems can significantly improve shrimp production and water quality. Also, the same authors demonstrated that environmentally friendly plant-based diet can produce results comparable to a fish-based feed in BFT conditions. In [56] was evaluated the stocking density in a 120d of L. vannamei BFT culture, reporting consistent survival of 92, 81 and 75% with 150, 300 and 450 shrimp/m2, respectively. Moreover, the study [57] performed in a heterotrophic-based condition detected no significant difference in FCR when feeding L. vannamei 30% and 45% CP diets and 39% and 43% CP diets, respectively. With these results in mind, floc biomass might provide a complete source of cellular nutrition as well as various bioactive compounds even at high density. It is not known exactly how microbial flocs enhance growth. Growth might be enhanced by continuous consumption of "native protein", protein source without previous treatment [18], which could possess a "growth factor" similar to the one investigated in squid [58]. Is well known that protein, peptides and aminoacids participate fully in synthesis of new membranes, somatic growth and immune function and biofloc can potentially provide such ingredients.

For fish and other species, BFT also has been demonstrated encouraged results. Intensive BFT Oreochromis niloticus tilapia culture could produce an equivalent of 155 ton/ha/crop [11]. Besides high yields, decrease of FCR and decreased of protein content in diets have also been observed. In [30] was estimated that feed utilization by tilapia is higher in BFT with a ration 20% less than conventional water exchange system. Studying the effect of BFT in juveniles tilapia, the reference [33] showed no difference in fish growth/production between 35% and 24% CP fed tanks under BFT, but both were higher than clear-water control without biofloc with 35% CP. Moreover, in [7] was investigated the effectiveness of BFT for maintaining good water quality in over-wintering ponds for tilapia. The authors concluded that BFT emerge as an alternative to overcome over-wintering problems, particularly mass mortality of fish due to low temperatures. In the study [14] was observed that biofloc consumed by fish (tilapia) may represent a very significant feed source, constituting about 50% of the regular feed ration of fish (assuming daily feeding of 2% body weight).

In M. rosenbergii larviculture was evaluated the effect of different carbon sources in a BFT culture conditions [39]. The authors found that using glucose or a combination of glycerol plus Bacillus as a carbon source in bioreactors led to higher biofloc protein content, higher n — 6 fatty acids, which resulted in improved survival rates. In a study with a Brazilian endemic tropical fish species tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) was observed that BFT did not improve fish growth/production as compared to clear-water conditions [59], although some water quality problems in such study remained unsolved (i. e. turbidity and nitrite). The authors showed no differences in 44% CP fed tanks under BFT and clear-water conditions, as well as 28% CP BFT. Certainly further research is needed to clarify the effect of BFT in Colossoma macropomum. On the other hand, Piaractus brachypomus or pirapitinga seems to be a candidate species to BFT [60].