The role of microorganisms

The particulate organic matter and other organisms in the microbial food web have been proposed as potential food sources for aquatic animals [25]. In BFT, microorganisms present a key role in nutrition of cultured animals. The macroaggregates (biofloc) is a rich protein- lipid natural source available "in situ" 24 hours per day [14]. In the water column occurs a complex interaction between organic matter, physical substrate and large range of microorganisms such as phytoplankton, free and attached bacteria, aggregates of particulate organic matter and grazers, such as rotifers, ciliates and flagellates protozoa and copepods

[26] (Fig 3). This natural productivity play an important role recycling nutrients and maintaining the water quality [27,28].

The consumption of biofloc by shrimp or fish has demonstrated innumerous benefits such as improvement of growth rate [10], decrease of FCR and associated costs in feed [9]. Growth enhancement has been attributed to both bacterial and algae nutritional components, which up to 30% of conventional feeding ration can be lowered due to biofloc consumption in shrimp [29]. In reference [9] was reported that more than 29% of daily food consumed for L. vannamei could be biofloc. In tilapia, in [30] was estimated that feed utilization is higher in BFT at a rate of 20% less than conventional water-exchange systems.

Also, consumption of macroaggregates can increase nitrogen retention from added feed by 7-13% [31, 32]. In this context, BFT has driven opportunities to use alternative diets. Low protein feeds and feeds with alternative protein sources different than marine-based products (i. e. fishmeal, squid meal, etc) have been successfully applied in BFT [28, 33-35], leading "green" market opportunities.


Figure 3. Grazers often observed in BFT such as flagellates protozoa (A), ciliates protozoa (B), nematodes (C) and copepods (D) (10x magnification) (Source: Mauricio Emerenciano)

Regarding to maintenance of water quality, control of bacterial community over autotrophic microorganisms is achieved using a high carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N) [30], which nitrogenous by-products can be easily taken up by heterotrophic bacteria [36]. High carbon to nitrogen ratio is required to guarantee optimum heterotrophic bacteria growth [14, 37], using this energy for maintenance (respiration, feeding, movement, digestion, etc), but also for growth and to produce new cells. High carbon concentration in water could supersede the carbon assimilatory capacity of algae, contributing to bacteria growth. Aerobic microorganisms are efficient in converting feed to new cell material (40-60% of conversion efficiency), rather than higher organisms that spend about 10-15% to rise in weight [16]. Bacteria and other microorganisms act as very efficient "biochemical systems" to degrade and metabolize organic residues [36]. In other words, they recycle very efficiently nutrients in a form of organic and inorganic matter (un-consumed and non-digested feed, metabolic residues and carbon sources applied as fertilizers) into new microbial cells.

The carbon sources applied in BFT are often by-products derived from human and/or animal food industry, preferentially local available. Cheap sources of carbohydrates such as molasses, glycerol and plant meals (i. e. wheat, corn, rice, tapioca, etc) will be applied before fry/post-larvae stocking and during grow-out phase, aiming to maintain a high C:N ratio (~15-20:1) and to control N compounds peaks. Also, a mix of plant meals can be pelletized ("green-pellet") and applied into ponds [38]; or low protein diets containing high C:N ratio can also be carried out [16,33]. The carbon source serves as a substrate for operating BFT systems and production of microbial protein cells [36]. There are many considerations for its selection such as costs, local availability, biodegradability and efficiency of bacteria assimilation. In Table 1 is summarized some studies with different species and carbon source applied in BFT system.

Carbon source

Culture specie



Macrobrachium rosenbergii


Cassava meal

Penaeus monodon





Corn flour

Hybrid bass and hybrid tilapia

[41, 42]


Litopenaeus vannamei


Glycerol and Glycerol+Bacillus

M. rosenbergii



M. rosenbergii



L. vannamei and P. monodon

[9, 29, 44]

Sorghum meal




L. vannamei and M. rosenbergii

[31, 45]

Wheat flour

Tilapia (O. niloticus)


Wheat bran + molasses

Farfantepenaeus brasiensis, F. paulensis and F. duorarum

[37, 46, 47]


Tilapia O. niloticus x O. aureus and tilapia (Mozambique)

[7, 14]

Table 1. Different carbon sources applied on BFT system (Source: adapted from [36])

Not all species are candidates to BFT. Some characteristics seems to be necessary to achieve a better growth performance such as resistance to high density, tolerance to intermediate levels of dissolved oxygen (~3-6 mg/L), settling solids in water (~10 with a maximum of 15 mL/L of "biofloc volume", measured in Imhoff cones) [38] and N-compounds, presence of filtering apparatus (i. e. tilapia), omnivorous habits and/or digestive system adaptable to better assimilate the microbial particles.