Quantitative comparison between relationship of adsorption and degradation in BAC filter bed Analysis of biological activity (ISOUR)

Variation of DO in each section of BAC and BCF is shown in Fig. 26, according to equation (3-2), the biological activity of each section can be determined, and the result is shown in Figure 27. As can be seen from Fig. 26 and 27, an obvious change in biological activity along with the various depth of carbon layer exists in both BAC filter bed and BCF filter bed, showing a gradual decreasing tendency along with the depth, which is closely related to the distribution of biomass on carriers. Biological activity ratio of BAC to BCF can be determined based on Fig. 27, shown as D/E in Fig. 24, and the result is shown in Fig. 28.



Fig. 28 indicates that the microbial activity of BCF filter bed is higher than that of BAC bed, and D/E for each section is ranging from 0.60 to 0.77. Among those sections, four of them have a ratio higher than 0.7, hence D/E=0.72 is set in quantitative calculation.


Column depth(m)

Figure 28. Ratio of microbial activity in BAC and BCF section (D/E)