Final remarks

As it was mentioned before, literature on charophytes biomass is not rare neither profuse worldwide and dates mostly from 1980 on, when eutrophication was recognized to be one of the most important events of the century. Despite of not being profuse, literature available consents a pretty good overview on the subject.

In the temperate region of the World, aquatic macrophytes show very sharp annual variation, with a growth season of their aerial biomass during the spring and summer, and another season of the underground biomass and detritus accumulation during the fall and winter. Very little, however, was done up to now regarding the charophytes biomass seasonality in the tropics. The single paper published based on charophytes from the tropical region defined, however, deterministic of the aquatic macrophytes biomass seasonality the rainy and dry periods. Water temperature and rain precipitation are, nevertheless, somewhat connected to each other, since the rainy season in the tropics somewhat coincides with the high temperature season.

A climate gradient in South America was studied, indicating that in warmer climates, submersed macrophytes may tolerate more underwater shade than in cooler lakes. Moreover, in several lakes in the warm and intermediate regions, submersed macrophytes were met until relatively greater depths than in the cool regions, taking the available light at the sediments surface into account. According to a very detailed long term study, global warming has been causing winters in the Netherlands to become warmer and wetter during the last 50 years, consequently increasing flow of humic acids and P from land to water that, ultimately, has been enhancing instability of charophyte populations. Such studies conclusion is that in the first half of the 20th Century interannual variation in precipitation was not sufficient to cause large changes in the internal P flux, and submersed macrophytes population was stable.

The presence of charophytes has been associated with the maintenance of clear water, and changes from a state of clear to turbid water have been associated with the eutrophication of the environment. Original data from eight lakes in southern Quebec, Canada and literature data from other lakes throughout the World were used to predict the maximum depth of charophytes colonization and the irradiance over the growing season at the maximum colonization depth, concluding that the depth distribution of the aquatic macrophyte communities is quantitatively related to the Secchi depth. Regression models using the same information above, defined that natural distribution of aquatic macrophytes is restricted to depths of less than 12 m, whereas charophytes can colonize to great depths and up to a predicted 42 m in the very clearest lakes.

The inorganic phosphorus concentration was not yet significantly related to the charophyte biomass. Concentrations of N, P and C in the above-ground biomass of 14 dominant macrophyte species (Chara globularis and Nitella translucens included) in seven shallow lakes of NW Spain pointed to significant differences for the three nutrients among the species and among the macrophytes groups, the charophytes showing the lowest P and C content. Also, only the charophytes showed a strong association between N and P.

Only recently some research has been carried out to evaluate the metal accumulation in charophytes. Therefore, charophyte specimens were exposed in laboratory experiments to different Cd, Cr and Zn concentrations, showing that the heavy metals concentrations in the plant increased with the increasing metals concentrations in the cultivation mediums used. As a result, negative growth occurred and the internode elongation was reduced when exposed to these metals at any concentration, however, intracellular Nitella gracilliformis revealed a potential for accumulating Cd, Cr and Zn.

Summarizing, all research done up to now on the charophytes biomass is still very punctual, i. e. they most often focused one special environment under very specific conditions. There are very few studies focusing a larger time scale and comparing several localities. In the last cases, results are much more consistent. The scientific community needs much more studies, to be able to formulate generalizations. In other words, despite of producing some important information, study of charophytes biomass is far from being exhausted, on the contrary they have just started.

Author details

Carlos E. de M. Bicudo

Instituto de Botanica, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil

Norma C. Bueno

Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, Cascavel, PR, Brasil


CEMB is very much indebted to CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e

Tecnologico for partial financial support (Grand n° 309474/2010-8).

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