Legislation of digestate utilization in agriculture

Sustainable recycling of organic wastes demands clear regulations of recycled wastes, the used recycling methods and the controlling of products. These regulation processes for the digestate are different in certain countries, respected the elaboration and the used limits.

In Hungary, the digestate is regarded as other non-hazardous waste if the ingestate does not contain sewage or sewage sludge, while in the presence of these materials the conditions of the digestate utilisation depend on the quality of the given material.

In Scotland the BSI PAS110:2010 digestate quality assurance scheme is applied. If a digestate complies with the standards for the quality, the usage criteria and the certification system stated in the worked scheme, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) does not apply the waste regulatory control for it.

In Swiss the digestate which suits the limits, can be used as soil conditioner and fertilizer in "bio"-agriculture.

In Germany the origin of the input materials determines the quality label of digestate product by biowaste and renewable energy crops. Digestates have to fulfil the minimum quality criteria for liquid and solid types which determine the minimum of nutrients and the maximum of pollutions in the digestate. Pollutions mean toxic elements, physical contaminants and pathogen organisms. The quality of digestate products is regularly controlled by "Bundesgutegemeinschaft Kompost e. V." (BGK) (Siebert et al., 2008).