EM decomposition and reduction

Using METATOOL v5.0 (von Kamp & Schuster, 2006), the network is decomposed into 201 EMs, which are too many to be incorporated in the model. In general, as the network size increases, the number of EMs undergoes combinatorial explosion (Klamt & Stelling, 2002), leading to overparameterization (which implies an excessive number of parameters relative to the measurements available to determine them). This problem can be avoided using the Metabolic Yield Analysis (MYA) developed by Song and Ramkrishna (2009) by which an original set of EMs is condensed to a much smaller subset. As a result, 201 EMs are reduced to 12 EMs which can be classified into three groups depending on the substrate associated with them (Table 2.2).

Подпись: GLYCOLYSIS 1 GLC + ATP ^ G6P + ADP 6 GOL ^ GOLx 2 G6P 0 F6P 7 GAP + NAD + ADP 0 PG3 + NADH + ATP 3 F6P + ATP 0 DHAP + GAP + ADP 8 PG3 0 PEP 4 DHAP 0 GAP 9 PEP + ADP 0 PYR + ATP 5 DHAP + NADH ^ GOL + NAD PYRUVATE METABOLISM 10 PYR ^ ACD + CO2 14 ACT ^ ACTx 11 ACD + NADH ^ ETH + NAD 15 ACT + CoA + 2ATP ^ AcCoA + 2ADP 12 ACD + NADHm ^ ETH + NADm 16 PYR + ATP + CO2 ^ OAA + ADP 13 ACD + NADP ^ ACT + NADPH PENTOSE PHOSPHATE PATHWAY 17 G6P + 2NADP ^ Ru5P + CO2 + 2NADPH 20 R5P + X5P 0 S7P + GAP 18 Ru5P 0 X5P 21 X5P + E4P 0 F6P + GAP 19 Ru5P 0 R5P 22 S7P + GAP 0 F6P + E4P CITRIC ACID CYCLE

EM Net reaction

1 Подпись: SubstrateПодпись: GlucoseПодпись: XyloseПодпись: MixtureGLC ^ 2 CO2 + 2 ETH + 2 MAINT

2 25.31 GLC ^ BIOM + 41.43 CO2 + 33.21 ETH

3 40.41 GLC ^_______________________________________________ BIOM + 56.52 CO2 + 48.31 ETH + 15.10 GOLx

4 XYL ^ 1.833 CO2 + 1.583 ETH + 1.583 MAINT

5 2 XYL ^ 2 CO2 + 1.5 ETH + 1.5 MAINT + XOLx

6 31.97 XYL ^ BIOM + 49.42 CO2 + 33.21 ETH

7 138.5 XYL ^ BIOM + 160.4 CO2 + 117.6 ETH + 84.37 GOLx_____________

8 GLC + 4 XYL ^ 2 ACTx + 2 CO2 + 2 MAINT + 4 XOLx

9 GLC + 4 XYL ^ 9.333 CO2 + 8.333 ETH + 8.333 MAINT

10 2.39 GLC + 25.99 XYL ^ 22.19 ACTx + BIOM + 37.82 CO2 + 9.037 ETH

11 5.333 GLC + 2 XYL ^ ACTx + 8.5 CO2 + 4.5 ETH + 7.5 GOLx

12 81.62 GLC + XYL ^ 12.03 ACTx + 1.754 BIOM + 105.9 CO2 + 85.25 ETH + 39.01 GOLx

Table 2.2. EMs represented in terms of extracellular metabolites. Acronyms for metabolites: ACTx = acetate, BIOM = biomass, CO2 = carbon dioxide, ETH = ethanol, GLC = glucose, GOL = glycerol, MAINT = Dissipated ATP for maintenance, XOLx = xylitol, XYL = xylose.