Physico-mechanical technologies to Improve ethanol yield

Several approaches to increase ethanol yield from sorghum involve physical or mechanical treatments, v. gr: reduction of particle size, decortication or steam flaking. The aim of these treatments is to reduce physical barriers to hydrolytic enzymes in order to yield more fermentable sugars in shorter reaction times.

4.1.2 Particle size

Particle size of ground sorghum meals also plays an important role in the starch-to-ethanol conversion process. Wang et al. (2008) observed that fermentation efficiencies of finely ground samples were approximately 5% higher compared to coarsely ground counterparts. This effect is a consequence of differences in gelatinization temperature and accessibility of starch to hydrolyzing enzymes. Wang et al. (2008) reported that gelatinization temperatures of larger or coarser particles are 5-10°C higher compared to finer particles.

The conversion of meals with smaller particles enhanced digestibility due to an improvement in the relative surface-contact area. Mahasukhonthachat et al. (2010) indicate that starch digestion proceeded by diffusion mechanisms is based on an inverse square dependence of rate coefficient on average particle size.