Category Archives: Comprehensive nuclear materials

Prediction of Weight Loss in Graphite Components

The methodologies used to predict the oxidation rate in Magnox reactors are based on work by Standring28 as discussed below:

Weight of TO2 in the = /273

pores of 1g of graphite P0 14.7 T [

where P (psi) is the gas pressure, T (K) the tem­perature, and p0 is the density of CO2 at standard conditions for temperature and pressure (STP) (gcm— ). The dose rate to the graphite can then be given in watts as follows:

P 273

Dose rate to graphite = eDp0 — — t W [19]









This equation yields higher weight loss than the constant dose rate equation.

This approach was used to design the early Magnox stations. However, as higher weight loss data became available from the operating Magnox stations, it was found necessary to modify the rela­tionship to account for the pore distribution with increasing oxidation. Weight Loss Prediction in Inhibited Coolant

It had not been possible to regularly add CH4 as an inhibitor to the coolant in the Magnox reactors because of concerns regarding the metallic compo­nents in the coolant circuit. However, the higher rated AGRs were designed with this in mind by selecting denser graphite and adding CH4 gas as an oxidation inhibitor.

The addition of an inhibitor causes the process of radiolytic weight loss to be more complex than that for Magnox reactors as the oxidation rate becomes a com­plex function of the coolant gas composition. This is because gas composition, and hence, graphite oxidation rate, is not uniform within the moderator bricks and keys as CH4 is destroyed by radiolysis and may thus be depleted in the brick interior. In addition, methane destruction gives rise to the formation of carbon


where D (W g—1 s—1) is the ‘energy deposition rate’ or ‘dose rate’ and e is the OPV (cm3 g—1). This reasoning can be taken further to give


Percentage initial oxidation rate, g0


% per year [20




Standring and Ashton29 measured the OPV and CPV in PGA as a function of weight loss (Figure 11).

In the specimens they examined, there appeared to be a small amount of pores which opened rapidly before the pore volume increased linearly as a func­tion of weight loss over the range of the data. To account for this behavior, they modified eqn [20] by defining an effective OPV as ‘ee’:


g0 = 145 % per year [21 ]



monoxide and moisture which may be higher in the brick interior. Graphite oxidation forms carbon mon­oxide, thereby further increasing CO levels in the brick interior. These destruction and formation processes are gas composition dependent and the flow rates of these gases within the porous structure are dependent upon graphite diffusivity and permeability values which change with graphite weight loss.

The exact mechanism of radiolysis in a CH4- inhibited coolant is complex and the radicals are disputed. However, from a practical point of view the mechanisms for oxidation and inhibition can be considered as given below:

In the gas phase

ionizing radiation

CO2 ———————- CO + O* [IV]

CO + O* ! CO2 [V]

CH4 ! P [vi]

where O* is the activated oxidizing species formed by radiolysis of CO2 and P is a protective species formed from CH4 oxidation.

At the graphite surface (mainly internal porosity),

O* + C! CO [VII]

O* + P! OP [VIII]

where OP is the deactivated gaseous product of CH4 destruction.

An altogether more satisfactory explanation and model for the effect of pore structure on corrosion in gas mixtures containing carbon monoxide, CH4, and

water was developed by Best and Wood30 and Best et a/.,26 who gave a relationship for G_c with respect to a pore structure parameter F and to P, the proba­bility of graphite gasification resulting from species which reach the pore surface:

G-C = 2.5 FP [25]

The inhibited-coolant radiolytic oxidation rate is usually referred to as the graphite attack rate. Data on initial graphite attack rate have been obtained in experiments carried out in various materials test reactors (MTRs)3 for Gilsocarbon and to some extent other types of graphite (Figure 12). From Figure 12, it can be seen that the oxidation rate does not go on exponentially increasing as predicted by earlier low-dose work, but the increasing rate saturates at about 3 times the initial oxidation rate.

The approach to predicting temporal and spatial weight loss in graphite components irradiated in inhibited coolant is to use numerical analysis to solve the diffusion equations given below:

Methane concentrations

VT(A0V(CO — V(v • C1)) — K1 = 0

Moisture concentrations

VT(D20V(C2) — V(v • C2)) + K1STOX = 0

Carbon monoxide concentrations

VT(D30V(C3) — V(v • C3))

+ K1STOX + K2STOX2 = 0 [26]

The basic unknowns are the CH4, C1, moisture, C2, carbon monoxide, C3, and gas concentration profiles.

In the CH4 part of eqn [26], the first term is the pure diffusion contribution, and D10 is the effective diffusion coefficient in graphite of CH4 in CO2. The second term is the contribution from porous flow due to permeation, and v is the velocity vector for CO2 flow through the graphite pores, and K1 is the sink term for CH4 destruction.

In the moisture part of eqn [26], the first term is again the pure diffusion contribution, and D20 is the effective diffusion coefficient in graphite of moisture in CO2. The second term is the contribu­tion from porous flow. K1STOX is the source term for moisture formation from CH4 destruction in accordance with

CH4 + 3CO2 ! 4CO + 2H2O [IX]

In the carbon monoxide part of eqn [26], the first term is the pure diffusion contribution, and D30 is the effective diffusion coefficient in graphite of car­bon monoxide in CO2. The second term is the contribution from porous flow. K1STOX is defined above and K2STOX2 is the source term of carbon monoxide formation from graphite oxidation.

The various terms in the diffusion equations must be updated at each time-step for changes in coolant composition, dose rate, attack rate, and all parameters controlling graphite pore structure, diffusivity, and permeability which change with oxidation. These equations can be solved numerically using finite dif­ference or finite element techniques to give point wise, temporal distributions of weight loss in a graph­ite component.




20 30 40







Fluence (MWh kg-1)

Fabrication Technology

Figure 4 summarizes the microstructural evolution during the breakdown process of NIFS-HEAT-2


Cooling time after shutdown (years)

Figure 3 Contact dose after use in first wall of a fusion commercial reactor for four reference alloys. SS316LN-IG: the reference ITER structural material F82H: reference reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel NIFS-HEAT-2: reference V-4Cr-4Ti alloy SiC/SiC: assumed to be impurity-free.


Hot/cold roll Heat treatment

Подпись:1373 K/RT 973 K 1273K 1373K 1573K

Ti-rich blocky precipitates (with N, O, C)

Elongation, band structure Dissolution

Ti-O-C thin precipitates

Formation Coarsening Dissolution

V-C on GB


50 mm 50 mm 25 mm 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm 50 mm

Figure 4 Microstructural evolution during the breakdown process of V-4Cr-4Ti ingots. Reproduced from Muroga, T.; Nagasaka, T.; Abe, K.; Chernov, V. M.; Matsui, H.; Smith, D. L.; Xu, Z. Y.; Zinkle, S. J. J. Nucl. Mater. 2002, 307-311, 547-554.


Подпись: Figure 5 Vickers hardness as a function of annealing temperature for NIFS-HEAT-1, NIFS-HEAT-2, and US-DOE 832665. Reproduced from Heo, N. J.; Nagasaka, T.; Muroga, T. J. Nucl. Mater. 2004, 325, 53-60.

ingots.4 Bands of small grains aligned along the rolling direction were observed at the annealing temperature below 1223 K. The grains became homogeneous at 1223 K. The examination showed that optimization of size and distribution of Ti-CON precipitates are crucial for good mechanical properties of the V-4Cr — 4Ti products. Two types of precipitates were observed, that is, the blocky and the thin precipitates. The blocky precipitates formed during the initial fabrication pro­cess. The precipitates aligned along the working direc­tion during the forging and the rolling processes forming band structures, and were stable to 1373 K. Since clustered structures of the precipitates result in low impact properties, rolling to high reduction ratio is necessary for making a thin band structure or homo­genized distribution of the precipitates. The thin pre­cipitates were formed at ~-973 K and disappeared at 1273-1373 K. At 1373 K, new precipitates, which were composed of V and C, were observed at grain bound­aries. They seem to be formed as a result of redistri­bution of C induced by the dissolution of the thin precipitates. The impact ofthe inhomogeneous micro­structure can influence the fracture properties.14

Figure 5 shows the hardness as a function of final heat treatment temperature for three V-4Cr-4Ti materials: NIFS-HEAT-1, NIFS-HEAT-2, and US — DOE-832665 (US reference alloy).15 The hardness has a minimum at 1073-1273 K, which corresponds to the temperature range where formation of the thin precipitates is maximized. With the heat treatment higher than this temperature range, the hardness increases and the ductility decreases because the

Annealing temperature (K)

precipitates dissolve enhancing the level of C, N, and O in the matrix. Based on the evaluation of various properties in addition to the hardness as a function of heat treatment conditions, the optimum heat treat­ment temperature of 1173-1273 Kwas suggested.

Plates, sheets, rods, and wires were fabricated mini­mizing the impurity pickup and maintaining grain and precipitate sizes in Japanese, US, and Russian programs. Thin pipes, including those of pressurized creep tube specimens, were also successfully fabricated
in Japan maintaining the impurity level, fine grain size, and straight band precipitate distribution by maintain­ing a constant reduction ratio between the intermedi­ate heat treatments.16 The fine-scale electron beam welding technology was enhanced as a result of the efforts for fabricating the creep tubes, including plug­ging of end caps.17 In the United States, optimum vacuum level was found for eliminating the oxygen pick-up during intermediate annealing to fabricate thin-walled tubing of V-4Cr-4Ti.18 In Russia, fabrica­tion technology is in progress for construction of a Test Blanket Module (TBM) for ITER (International Ther­monuclear Experimental Reactor).19

Joining of V-4Cr-4Ti by gas tungsten arc (GTA) and laser welding methods was demonstrated. GTA

Подпись: Figure 6 Upper: Absorbed energy of Charpy impact tests of V-4Cr-4Ti weld joints as a function of test temperature for various combinations of plates and fillers. Lower: DBTT of V-4Cr-4Ti weld joints as a function of oxygen level in the weld metal. NH1, NIFS-HEAT-2 (O: 181 wppm); US, US-DOE 832665 (O: 310wppm); HP, high-purity model V-4Cr-4Ti alloy (O: 36 wppm). Reproduced from Nagasaka, T.; Grossbeck, M. L.; MurogaT.; King, J. F. Fusion Technol. 2001, 39, 664-668.
is a suitable technique for joining large structural components. GTA welding technology for vanadium alloys provided a significant progress by improving the atmospheric control. The results are summarized in Figure 6. Oxygen level in the weld metal was controlled by combined use of plates of NIFS — HEAT-1 (181wppm O) or US-8332665 (310wppm O) and filler wire ofNIFS-HEAT-1, US-8332665, ora high-purity model alloy (36 wppm O). As demonstrated in Figure 6, ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of the joint and the oxygen level in the weld metal had a clear positive relation. This motivated further purification of the alloys for improvement of the weld properties.20 Only limited data on irradia­tion effects on the weld joint are available at present.

The welding results in complete dissolution of Ti — CON precipitates and thus results in significant increase in the level of C, O, and N in the matrix. In such conditions, radiation could cause embrittlement. Some TEM observations showed enhanced defect clus­ter density at the weld metals. However, the overall evaluation of the radiation effects remains to be per­formed. Especially, elimination of radiation-induced degradation by applying appropriate conditions of post­weld heat treatment (PWHT) is the key issue.

For the use of vanadium alloys as the blanket of fusion reactors, the plasma-facing surfaces need to be protected by armor materials such as W layers. Limited efforts are, however, available for developing the coating technology. A low pressure plasma-spraying method was used for coating W on V-4Cr-4Ti for use at the plasma-facing surfaces. The major issue for the fabrication is the degradation of the vanadium alloy substrates by oxidation during the coating processes. Figure 7 shows the result of bending tests of the coated samples. The crack was initiated within the W layer propagating parallel to the interface and followed by cracking across the interface. Thus, in this case, the quality of W coating layer is the issue rather than the property of the V-4Cr-4Ti substrate or the interface. Hardening of substrate V-4Cr-4Ti by the coating occurred but was shown to be in acceptable range.21

Figure 8 is a collection of the products from NIFS-HEAT-2.

Irradiation Creep Irradiation creep: Macroscopic behavior

Under neutron irradiation, metals exhibit a high creep rate, much higher than the out-of-reactor ‘ther­mal’ creep rate, the creep rate increasing as the neu­tron flux increases. The behavior under irradiation of zirconium alloys, and particularly the creep behav­ior, has been studied extensively as pointed out by Franklin eta/.134 and Fidleris,150 because of the major importance of the prediction of the in-reactor defor­mation of the fuel assembly in the case of PWR and boiling-water reactor (BWR)169 or in-reactor struc­ture especially in the case of the CANDU



It is usually assumed, for practical considerations, that the in-pile deformation consists of the sum of (i) the growth, (ii) the classical thermally activated out-of-pile creep, or so-called thermal creep, and (iii) the irradiation creep, strictly speaking.100,150,163,180 The ‘pure’ irradiation creep, subtracted from the two other components of the deformation, is the result of mechanisms which differ from the thermal creep and the growth. Nevertheless, these mechanisms are certainly coupled since they all imply disloca­tion loops, slip and climb of line dislocations, and point-defect bulk diffusion toward these defects. But very few authors have studied these potential



The creep deformation under irradiation results, in fact, from two antagonistic phenomena. Indeed, while new deformation processes are activated, caus­ing the creep rate to increase, the thermal creep rate is strongly reduced by irradiation due to the irradiation-induced hardening. Indeed, it has been shown150 that a preirradiation reduces the thermal creep component of the deformation under irradia­tion. The effect of preirradiation on the reduction of the irradiation creep rate is particularly noticeable for RXA alloys. However, the hardening effect saturates at fluence of about 4 x 1024nm—2 and is followed by a steady-state creep rate. Concerning cold-worked materials, the effect of the preirradia­tion is much lower, according to Fidleris.150

As reported by several authors,134,150,153,182 the metallurgical state of the zirconium alloy has a sig­nificant effect on the in-reactor creep resistance. Indeed, while cold working may improve the thermal creep resistance of Zircaloy in certain test directions and stress range, it increases the in-reactor creep rate appreciably.150,153 Nevertheless, the creep sensitivity to the initial dislocation density is significantly lower than the growth sensitivity to the initial dislocation density.171 On the other hand, the grain size does not seem to have a significant effect on the creep strength in the range from 1 to 70 pm.

The in-reactor creep rate is very sensitive to irra­diation as well as loading conditions. The effects of flux, as well as the effect of stress, are usually described by a power correlation. The effect of tem­perature is usually described by an Arrhenius equa­tion.134 However, since it is in general very complex to distinguish between the ‘pure’ irradiation creep and the thermal creep, the authors usually use an overall creep constitutive law (eqns[1] and [2])163,180 and only growth is taken into account as a separate defor­mation component.

e ethermal—creep T ^irradiation—creep T egrowth

ecreep T egrowth Ц


ecreep = K s”ffexp(jT^

where e is the strain rate in s—1; s is the effective stress for thermal creep in MPa; n is the stress exponent; Tis the temperature in K; Qis the activation energy inJ; R is the gas constant, 8.31 J K—1 mol—1; ф is the fast neutron flux in n m—2 s— (E > 1 MeV); p is the flux exponent; and K is a constant for thermal creep in s—1 (MPa)—n(nm—2s—1)—p. According to various authors,134,150 the flux exponent (p) has been assigned values ranging from 0.25 to 1. A flux exponent ofp = 1 is commonly obtained for CANDU pressure tube deformation.163,183 For uniaxial creep tests per­formed at 280 °C on cold-worked Zy-2, Tinti184 has obtained a flux exponent increasing from 0.6 to 1.0 with increasing instant flux.

A stress exponent of n = 1 is obtained at 300 °C for low applied stress (s < 100 MPa). As the stress increases, the stress exponent increases, reaching values up to n= 25 for 450 MPa applied stress for cold-worked Zr-2.5% Nb.183

Temperature fC)


Figure 23 Temperature dependence of laboratory and in-reactor creep rates of cold-worked Zircaloy-2. Adapted from Fidleris, V. J. Nucl. Mater. 1988, 159, 22-42.

The effect of temperature on the creep rate can be rationalized by plotting the creep rate in an Arrhenius plot (logarithm of the creep rate vs. inverse temperature). The activation energy is then the slope obtained in this plot. It can be seen in Figure 23 that for low temperatures, the creep activa­tion energy Q/R is very low, between 2000 and 5000 K.150,163 The irradiation creep at low temperature is therefore nearly athermal. At higher temperatures, the dependence increases rapidly toward values of Q/R of 25 000-30 000 K. These last values are close to the activation energy measured for thermal creep. These observations tend to prove that for low-temperature regime, mainly ‘pure’ irradiation creep mechanisms are activated. As the temperature increases, the ther­mal creep mechanisms become activated, yielding to activation energy close to the thermal creep values.

It has also been shown by several authors that while the thermal creep of zirconium alloys is aniso­tropic, the irradiation creep remains strongly anisotropic.150 According to Holt,171 the anisotropy of irradiation creep is nevertheless slightly lower than that of thermal creep. Irradiation creep: Mechanisms

Various mechanisms for irradiation creep have been proposed in the literature as reviewed by Franklin et a/.,134 Holt,163,171 Matthews and Finnis,181 and Was.9 A nice history of the proposed mechanisms for both zirconium alloys and stainless steels is given by Franklin et a/.134 These mechanisms can fall mainly into two large categories:

1. The mechanisms based on stress-induced prefer­ential absorption (SIPA) of point defects by line dislocations arising from different fundamental phenomenon. These mechanisms lead to the climb of edge dislocations under applied stress, yielding a creep deformation.

2. The mechanisms based on climb-enhanced disloca­tion glide mechanisms, which are essentially a com­bination of climb of dislocations due the absorption of point defects under irradiation and glide resulting in a creep deformation. For this category of mechan­isms, the strain is essentially produced by glide but the strain rate is controlled by the climb.

Other mechanisms involving irradiation-induced loops have also to be added to these two categories of deformation mechanisms involving line disloca­tions. Indeed, the stress-induced preferential nucle — ation (SIPN) of loops or the stress-induced preferential growth of loops due to SIPA can lead to an additional creep strain.

The SIPA mechanism is based on the fact that under an applied stress, the bias of the dislocation becomes dependent on the orientation of the Burgers vector with respect to the direction of the stress.105,134,181 Indeed, as described previously, due to a higher relaxation volume, the sink strength of an edge dislocation toward SIAs is higher than toward vacancies. This difference in sink strength is the bias of the edge dislocation. It can be shown that a dislo­cation with a Burgers vector parallel to the applied stress exhibits a higher bias toward SIAs than a dislo­cation with a Burgers vector perpendicular to the applied stress. Therefore, under irradiation, the net flux of SIAs (SIA flux minus vacancy flux) toward dislocations, with Burgers vector parallel to the applied stress, is higher than the net flux of SIAs toward dislocations with Burgers vector perpendicular to the applied stress. This difference in the absorption of point defects by different types of dislocations leads to dislocation climb, resulting in a creep strain. The SIPA creep rate is insensitive to the grain size but is sensitive to the dislocation network.

However, it has been seen that for growth, the anisotropic diffusion of SIAs is believed to play an important role in the deformation mechanism. There­fore, any irradiation creep model proposed for zir­conium should also include anisotropic diffusion. The SIPA model that includes anisotropic diffusion is called the SIPA-AD model and has been reviewed by Matthews and Finnis.181

In the case of RXA zirconium alloys, the irradia­tion creep mechanisms are not clearly identified yet. Indeed, since the initial dislocation density is very low, another deformation mechanism has to be acti­vated. The creep strain could be partly due to the preferred nucleation and/or growth of the (a) type loops in the prismatic planes. Indeed, according to the SIPN or SIPA mechanism, the nucleation or growth of interstitial (a) loops can be favored in the prismatic planes perpendicular to the applied stress. For the same reason, the nucleation or growth of vacancy (a) loops can be favored in the prismatic planes parallel to the applied stress, leading to a resulting creep strain. According to Faulkner and McElroy,185 an applied stress increases the mean diameter of (a) loops without affecting the density, proving that the SIPA mechanism is efficient in their experiment. However, the growth of (a) loops under an applied stress can explain the measured creep strain only for low strain levels. Indeed, this creep strain should remain limited since the (a) loop den­sity and mean loop diameter saturate at relatively low doses. Since the initial dislocation density is very low in RXA zirconium alloys, creep mechanisms involv­ing climb of dislocations due to the SIPA mechanism or climb-plus-glide of dislocations require the gener­ation of a dislocation network. It is possible that (a) loops coalescence occurs, resulting in the creation of a dislocation network that is able to climb and glide under stress.181,186 However, this network is clearly observed only at 400 °C.67 Other types of dislocation sources, such as Frank-Read or Bardeen-Herring sources,147 can also be activated under both irradia­tion and applied stress, leading to the creation of a dislocation network that undergoes a SIPA or climb — enhanced glide mechanism.

It should also be pointed out that in order to explain the observed creep rate, some mechanisms must be activated that allow the dislocations to over­come the high density of dislocation loops during their climb and glide motion, even for low applied stress. It is possible, as pointed out by MacEwen and Fidleris187 in the case of Zr single crystal, that the gliding dislocations are able to clear the loops during in-pile deformation, leading to the dislocation chan­neling mechanism. All these mechanisms probably occur in series, as proposed by Nichols,188 explaining the evolution of the stress dependency as the stress increases. Indeed, according to this author, for zero applied stress, growth of zirconium occurs, and then as the stress increases, (a) loop alignment occurs (SIPA on loops). For higher stress, the climb of line dislocations via SIPA takes place, and then the dislo­cation climb and glide processes occur at even higher stress. For very high stress, close to the YS, disloca­tion channeling occurs.

For cold-worked zirconium alloys, such as SRA Zircaloy or cold-worked Zr-2.5Nb alloy,163 the SIPA mechanism on the initial dislocations is a likely mech­anism for irradiation creep. However, according to Holt,171 the creep anisotropy of cold-worked zirco­nium alloys computed from the SIPA mechanism assuming only (a) type dislocations is not in agree­ment with the experimental anisotropy. The anisot­ropy computed from the climb-plus-glide mechanism assuming 80% prism slip and 20% basal slip is in good agreement with the experimental anisotropy, demon­strating that climb-plus-glide mechanism is probably the effective mechanism. It should also be pointed out that, since dislocations climb toward grain boundaries or toward other dislocations, recovery of the initial dislocation network occurs. In order to maintain a steady-state creep rate, multiplication of dislocations should also occur either via loop coalescence or via dislocation sources, as discussed previously.

It should also be pointed out that, as there is a coupling between swelling and irradiation creep in stainless steel,181 we could assume a coupling between growth and irradiation creep to occur in zirconium alloys due to the effect of the stress on the partitioning of point defects.134,162 Nevertheless, the simple assumption of two separable deformation components has proved to hold correctly for the results given in the literature.163,180 Outlook

Concerning damage creation and point-defect clus­ter formation, improvement in the knowledge of anisotropic diffusion of SIAs as well as better under­standing of the microstructure of vacancy and inter­stitial (a) loops and basal (c) vacancy loops (origin of the loop alignment, origin of the corduroy contrast for instance) has to be aimed at. Multiscale modeling approaches coupled with fine experimental analyses of the irradiation microstructure (high-resolution TEM, synchrotron radiation analyses, tomography atom probe, etc.) should bring new insight concerning the previous points mentioned but also elements in order to propose modeling of the microstructure evolution during irradiation: for instance, origin of the alignments of Nb precipitates, stability of p-Nb pre­cipitates, etc.

Concerning the mechanical behavior of Zr alloys after irradiation, multiscale modeling of the postirra­diation deformation with a better understanding of the dislocation channeling mechanism and under­standing of its effects on the postirradiation mechan­ical behavior are needed.

Moreover, better understanding of the postirradi­ation creep deformation mechanisms is also needed using multiscale modeling.

The last point concerns the deformation mechan­isms under irradiation. In that field, the basic questions are still without answers: What are the irradiation creep deformation mechanisms? What are the coupling between the deformation under irradiation and the thermal creep and growth? Progress has to be made especially using in situ deformation devices under irradiation, coupled with modeling approaches. (See also Chapter 1.01, Fundamental Properties of Defects in Metals; Chapter 2.07, Zirconium Alloys: Properties and Characteristics and Chapter 5.03, Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys).

GBE to reduce embrittlement in ferritic steels

GBE is an emerging field, which promises methods to improve the performance of materials, whose deg­radation in service is caused by the presence of high angle boundaries. The concept, first proposed59 by Prof. T Watanabe in the early 1980s, envisages improvement ofproperties ofmaterials by controlling the grain boundary character distribution (GBCD). Many processes like diffusion, precipitation, segrega­tion, sliding, cavitation, and corrosion are kinetically faster along high angle grain boundaries. Hence, it is possible to decelerate these detrimental pro­cesses by replacing the random boundaries with low energy ones, coincident site lattice (CSL) boundaries (denoted by the ‘sigma number,’ S, which is defined as the reciprocal of the fraction of lattice points in the boundaries that coincide between the two adjoining grains on the basis of CSL model). Another prerequi­site for GBE is to completely destroy the interconnec­tivity of random grain boundary network. The insight in the field of GBE was achieved with the advent of computer assisted EBSD (electron back scatter diffraction) technique developed during the 1980s.

Подпись: Table 6 Comparison56 of embrittlement behavior of 9 and 12Cr steels, with and without helium Irradiation conditions Shift in DBTT (K) Reactor Temperature (K) Dose (dpa) 9Cr1Mo(VNb) 12Cr1Mo(VW) EBR II 663 13 50 125 EBR II 663 26 50 ~150 HFIR 673 40 200 (30 appm He) 250 (110appm He)

The embrittlement in ferritic steels is known to be caused by segregation phenomena. The kinetics of segregation can be controlled by suitable selection of the nature of grain boundaries. GBE has been applied60-63 to combat embrittlement problems in ferritic steels. The task of carrying out GBE using experimental methods is time consuming. Hence, it is prudent to resort to computational methods, which need to be validated using selected experiments. A 3D Poisson-Voronoi grain structure, simulated using MC technique was employed to study60 (Figure 12(a)) intergranular crack percolation using percolation theory. The percolation threshold was estimated to be 80%. To apply this model to specific alloys like ferritic steel, system specific characteris­tics need to be incorporated61 in the model. One such attempt is to define the propensity of the grain boundaries for propagation of cracks based on rela­tive values of the grain boundary energy and the


Подпись: (a)
Подпись: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

image1690.185 0.180 0.175 0.170 0.165 0.160 0.155 0.150 0.145 0.140 0.135 0.130 0.125

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45


(d) Charpy impact energy (J)

energy required for propagation of cracks. These calculations were carried out (Figure 12(b)) for two different grain sizes. The prediction of finer grain size being favorable to reduce embrittlement was con­firmed (Figure 12(c)) experimentally. The GBCD, that is, the distribution of various grain boundary types has been evaluated62 in modified 9Cr-1Mo fer­ritic steel using EBSD technique. The experimental observations confirmed the reduction of DBTT by 20 K with reduction in grain size. The fractal analysis of the fracture surface demonstrated (Figure 12(d)) that the tortuous path which cracks need to follow in fine grain sample is responsible63 for the observed reduction in the propensity for embrittlement.

It is shown clearly that the low energy boundaries can be introduced in engineering materials in three different methods: preferential nucleation of low angle boundaries around twins or controlled recov­ery or orientation relations during phase transforma­tion, if some of the variants happen to result in CSL boundaries. Significant improvements in properties using GBE have been achieved64 in many austenitic stainless steels, in contrast to ferritic steels. The major challenges in the application of GBE to Cr-Mo fer­ritic steels arise from the following factors: lower twinning probability, higher stacking fault energy, and limited variants with CSL boundaries during g! a transformation during cooling.

Niobium and Nb-Base Alloys Introduction and History of Nb and Nb Alloys

The push for higher operating temperatures in tur­bine engines, as well as in reactor designs for both terrestrial and space applications, has frequently

governed the periodic scientific examinations of refractory alloys. The historical examination of Nb and its alloys is typical of this, with early studies of the irradiation properties exploring the potential uses of these alloys in fusion energy and fission type space reactor. While these alloys have favorable properties, such as elevated temperature capability and compati­bility with liquid alkali metals for energy applications, and attractive physical properties such as thermal conductivity, much of the work on Nb and Nb-base alloys has examined the nonirradiated properties.

It is worth putting into perspective the relatively small commercial market for niobium-base alloys. Approximately, 75% of all niobium metal is used as minor alloying additions in steel, and only 1-2% is produced in the form of niobium-base alloys. The total market for niobium-base alloys in the mid-1990s was <105kgyear — (100metric tonnes year-1).6 By comparison, 60 tons of niobium was used in 1961 for the SNAP-50 reactor program alone, and substantial additional quantities were used for other research projects such as the NERVA (Nuclear Experiment for Rocket Vehicle Applica­tions) program.7 Throughout the history of the vari­ous space reactor programs, dozens of alloys were examined, with several brought to near-commercial production. However, today only the Nb-1Zr and C-103 (Nb-10Hf-1Ti) alloys remain commercially available for use in the sodium vapor lamp and rocket or turbine engine exhaust nozzles.

Nb-1Zr has historically been considered the only niobium-base alloy with a sufficiently mature database (mechanical properties including thermal creep, chemical compatibility, fabrication, and weld­ing knowledge) to be considered a near-term candi­date for radiation environments.7-11 Developed for high ductility and good weld characteristics, the alloy shows less-than-desirable thermal creep strength at elevated temperatures compared to other refractory alloys. Though the C-103 alloy has greater short-term elevated temperature strength than that of Nb-1Zr, its long-term properties show no improvement over Nb-1Zr.12 Nonetheless, Nb-1Zr is the only Nb-base alloy with a significant radiation effects database.

Despite the periodic programmatic interest in the use of Nb and Nb-base alloys, no clear fundamental study of the irradiated properties for a specific appli­cation has been performed or completed. Much of the data available on the irradiated properties is scattered and easily spans a time frame of several decades, which can lead to misinterpretations of results on the basis of either the limited scientific knowledge of the time, lack of understanding of the sensitivity of properties on impurity concentrations, or aging effects. Radiation effects data are limited to the examination of swelling and tensile properties, with no information regarding fracture toughness or irra­diation creep performance.

The following sections deal with radiation effects on the properties of Nb and Nb-1Zr specifically. While some initial scoping examinations have been performed on other Nb-base alloys, these are relatively inconsequential and based on the less-than — desirable ductility, thermal stability, or welding cap­abilities of these alloys.

Al-Added 16Cr-ODS Steels Application and Technical Issues


Generation IV advanced nuclear power systems are proposed; the temperature and dose regimes for their operation are shown in Figure 23.42 Among them, the supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) and the lead fast reactor (LFR) require a higher neutron dose

at an operating temperature of 600 °C. It is known that 9Cr-ODS steels have superior compatibility with sodium, but their corrosion resistance is not adequate for SCPW and LBE at a temperature >600 °C. Thus, the most critical issue for the application of 9Cr-ODS steels to SCWR and LFR is to improve their resistance to corrosion.

It has been reported that the addition of chromium (>13 wt%) and aluminum (4 wt%) to ODS steels quite effectively suppresses corrosion in an SCPW and LBE environment. In general, however, an increase in the Cr content often results in increased susceptibility to ther­mal aging embrittlement. Furthermore, the addition of Al significantly reduces steel strength at high tempera­tures. Recent progress in R&D of high Cr-Al-added ODS ferritic steels is summarized in the proceedings of the International Conference of Advanced Power Plants (ICAPP) 2009. The oxidation and corrosion performance of Al-added 16Cr-ODS steels in SCPW and LBE environments is described in Section 4.08.7.

The Irradiation-Induced Creep Mechanism (In-Crystal)

A mechanism for the irradiation-induced creep of graphite was proposed by Kelly and Foreman53 which involves irradiation-induced basal plane dis­location pinning/unpinning in the graphite crystals. Pinning sites are created and destroyed by neutron irradiation (radiation annealing). Under neutron irradiation, dislocation lines in the basal planes may be completely or partially pinned depending upon the dose and temperature of irradiation. The pinning points were speculated to be interstitial atom clus­ters 4 ± 2 atoms in size,54,55 that is, the same defects clusters assumed to contribute to the reduction in thermal conductivity. The interstitial clusters are temporary barriers as they are annealed (destroyed) by further irradiation. Thus, irradiation can release dislocation lines from their original pinning site and the crystal can flow as a result of basal plane slip at a rate determined by the rate of pinning and unpinning of dislocations. Kelly and Foreman’s the­ory assumes that polycrystalline graphite consists of a single phase of true density p0 and apparent density p. The material may be divided into elementary regions in which the stress may be considered uniform and which may be identified as monocrystalline graphite. Significantly, the model excludes porosity. It is further assumed that the only deformation mode is basal plane slip for which the strain rate is determined by

exz k(sxz)f [9]


£yZ = k(syz)f [10]

where f is the fast neutron flux; k, the steady-state creep coefficient, and a is the stress in the given direc­tion. The microscopic deformation assumes the usual relationship between the basal plane shear strain rate (є) and the mobile dislocation density (O), and is given by

e = Obn = kaf [11]

where b is the Burger’s vector and n is the dislocation velocity as a function of the pinning point concentra­tion in the basal plane as the pins are created and destroyed by neutron flux. The dislocation line flow model used the flexible line approach where the dislo­cation line is pinned/unpinned and the dislocation line bowing is a function of the line tension and pin spacing. The concentration of pinning sites increases under irradiation from the initial value (from intrinsic defects) to a steady-state concentration. The initial creep rate is high and decreases to a steady-state value as the pinning concentration saturates at a level controlled by the neutron flux and temperature. This saturation would be expected to occur over the same dose scale as the reduction of thermal conductivity to its saturation limit (see Section

Thus, a two stage model can be envisioned where the primary creep rate is initially high and falls to a secondary or ‘steady-state’ creep rate. The steady-state creep term should be the dominant term when the dose has reached values at which physical property changes due to dislocation pinning have saturated (see Section Kelly and Foreman state that at higher tem­peratures the steady-state (secondary) creep rate (k)

would be expected to increase because of (1) incom­patibility of crystal strains increasing the internal stress and thus enhancing the creep rate, and (2) additional effects due to the destruction of interstitial pins by thermal diffusion of vacancies (thermal annealing as well as irradiation annealing). Kelly and Foreman53 further speculate that the nonlinearity of creep strain with stress, which is expected at higher stress levels, may also be related to the high-dose dimensional change behavior of polycrystalline graphite.56

The possibility of other dislocation and crystal deformation mechanisms being involved in irradia­tion creep must also be considered. For example, prismatic dislocations may play an enhanced role at high temperatures (>250 °C) when the graphite lat­tice is under stress, as suggested by others.57 Are there mechanisms of dislocation climb and glide that need to be explored? Can dislocation lines climb/glide past the assumed interstitial cluster barriers via a mechanism that is active only when structural rear­rangements occur during irradiation? This behavior is analogous to carbons and graphites undergoing thermal creep when they undergo structural reorga­nization, that is, during carbonization and graphitiza — tion

Dimensional Change

As discussed previously (see Section, when irradiated, graphite crystallites, as simulated using HOPG, expand significantly in the V direction and shrink in the ‘a direction. These dimensional changes are reflected in the behavior of polycrystal­line graphite, but the volumetric changes, although relatively large are much smaller than those seen in HOPG. The reason for this is attributed to the many microcracks, which range in size from the nano — to microscale; see Figure 32. While these cracks can accommodate the crystal growth in the ‘c,’ the shrink­age in the V direction will directly be reflected in the polycrystalline behavior. However, as previously

Подпись:discussed, the crystallite dimensional change rate is much greater below ^300 °C than above that temperature.

Boiling water reactors

Of the BWR plants that have been licensed for com­mercial operation in the United States, ^30% utilize either reinforced or prestressed concrete primary containments. Leak tightness of each of these con­tainments is provided by a steel liner attached to the containment inside surface by studs (e. g., Nelson studs) or by structural steel members. Exposed sur­faces of the carbon steel liner are typically painted to protect against corrosion and to facilitate decontami­nation should it be required. A portion of the liner toward the bottom of the containment and over the basemat is typically embedded in concrete to protect it from damage, abrasion, etc. due to corrosive fluids and impact. A seal to prevent the ingress of fluids is provided at the interface around the circumference of the containment where the vertical portion of the liner becomes embedded in the concrete. BWR con­tainments, because of provisions for pressure sup­pression, typically have ‘normally dry’ sections (drywell) and ‘flooded’ sections (wetwell) that are interconnected via piping or vents. Requirements for BWR containments include the following:

1. Provide an ‘essentially’ leak-tight barrier against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity to the environment for all postulated design basis acci­dent conditions.

2. Accommodate the calculated pressure and tem­perature conditions resulting from a loss-of — coolant accident.

3. Withstand periodic integrated leak-rate testing at the peak-calculated accident pressure that may be at levels up to and including the containment design pressure.

4. Permit appropriate periodic inspection of all impor­tant components and surfaces, and the periodic test­ing ofthe leak tightness ofcontainment penetrations.

The containment vessel can also provide structural support for the NSSS and other internal equipment. The containment foundation, typically a basemat, provides the primary support and transfer of load to the earth below. Figure 2 presents a cross-section of a BWR Mark I reinforced concrete containment.

Each of the three BWR primary plant types (Mark I, Mark II, and Mark III) incorporates a number of reinforced concrete containment internal structures. These structures may perform singular or several functions, including the following:

1. Radiation shielding;

2. human accessibility provisions;

3. NSSS and other equipment anchorage/support/ protection;

4. resistance to jet, pipe whip, and other loadings produced by emergency conditions;

5. boundary of wetwells and pool structures, and allow communication between drywell and wetwell (Mark II and III);

6. lateral stability for containment;

7. transfer of containment loads to underlying foun­dation; and

8. transfer of fuel to reactor (Mark III).

As many of these functions are interrelated with the required containment functions, these structures are considered to be safety-related.

Of the BWR plants that utilize steel primary containments, all but the pre-Mark plant type have reinforced concrete structures that serve as second­ary containments or reactor buildings and provide support and shielding functions for the primary con­tainment. Although the design parameters for the secondary containments of the Mark I and Mark II plants vary somewhat, the secondary containments are typically composed of beam, floor, and wall struc­tural elements. These structures typically are safety — related because they provide additional radiation shielding; provide resistance to environmental/opera — tional loadings; and house safety-related mechanical equipment, spent fuel, and the primary metal con­tainment. Although these structures may be massive in cross-section to meet shielding or load-bearing requirements, they generally have smaller elemental

Подпись: Figure 2 Boiling water reactor Mark I reinforced concrete containment and reactor building.

thicknesses than primary containments because of reduced exposure under postulated accident loadings. These structures may be maintained at a slight nega­tive pressure for collection and treatment of any air­borne radioactive material that might escape during operating conditions.

Other structures include such things as founda­tions, walls, slabs, and fuel/equipment storage pools. The spent — and new-fuel storage pools, and the pools for reactor internals storage, typically have a four- wall-with-bottom-slab configuration. The walls and slab are composed of reinforced concrete members lined on the interior surface with stainless steel. Cross-sections of these members are generally large because they must support a large pool of water
and heavy fuel/component loads produced by high-density fuel storage considerations. The fuel storage pool in Mark III plants is located within the primary containment.

Void Swelling and Bubble Swelling

The progressive accumulation of high ‘cavity’ densi­ties (1012-1017cm-3) leads to a macroscopic increase in volume of the steel. The concentration of these cavities tends to increase with decreasing tempera­ture or with increasing He, H, and residual gases such as O and N.

‘Cavity’ is a generic distinction for a hole in the matrix. Identifying a specific cavity as being either a bubble or void is not as simple as might be imagined, however. In general, bubbles are rela­tively small, gas-pressurized, existing sometimes at
equilibrium pressures, although not necessarily at lower temperatures where they can be significantly over-pressurized. One defining feature is that bubbles tend to grow slowly by gas accumulation while voids are either totally or partially vacuum-filled, but which are free to grow rapidly via vacancy accumu­lation without further gas addition.

It is well known that bubbles can serve as nuclei for voids, accounting for the known tendency of helium especially to accelerate the onset of void swelling and to increase the cavity density. In some strongly helium-generating environments, there can also develop a late-term surge of tiny bubbles forming at very high densities in the interstices between earlier nucleated voids at much lower densities. This is a consequence of the 59Ni two-step transmutation sequence that accelerates helium production after voids are already nucleated and growing.114 As dis­cussed earlier in Section 4.02.6 these ‘helium-filled’ bubbles are probably pressurized with stored hydrogen as well as helium. Interestingly, the onset of this late — term bubble evolution does not change the steady-state swelling rate even though the cavity density increased by several orders ofmagnitude once helium generation accelerated strongly with the 59Ni sequence.

For most engineering applications in nuclear sys­tems it is void swelling that is the most important contributor to dimensional instability. In the absence of physical restraint or applied stress field void swell­ing distributes its strains isotropically with the most

famous published example shown in Figure 49.115 When restrained in any direction, however, the swelling-induced stresses activate irradiation creep (to be discussed later), which then redistributes the strain in the unrestrained directions, as shown earlier in Figure 16 where fuel pins locally restrained by a spirally wrapped wire evolved into spiral fuel pins. At any given altitude on the fuel pin the interaction between wire and cladding the cross-section becomes oval in shape and the resulting deformation is called ‘ovality.’

It is important to note that, contrary to popular opinion, swelling and irradiation creep are not sepa­rate processes, but are ‘two sides of the same coin.’ These phenomena are two manifestations of the radiation-enhanced dislocation motion required to move the material previously located at the void positions to the outer boundaries of the grains. This process is operating even in the absence of stress to produce swelling, but responds selectively to shear stresses generated either by externally applied or internally generated forces. While swelling attempts to be isotropic, irradiation creep redirects mass flow anisotropically. As will be shown later irradiation creep can operate before the onset of swelling but is accelerated when swelling begins.

20% CW 316

Fluences beyond FFTF goal

Figure 49 Macroscopic swelling (~10% linear as measured by length change, ~33% volumetric, as measured by density change) observed in unfueled 20% cold-worked AISI 316 open cladding tube at 1.5 x 1023ncm~2 (E > 0.1 MeV) or ~75 dpa at 510°C in EBR-II. Note that in the absence of physical restraints all relative proportions were preserved. Reproduced from Straalsund, J. L.; Powell, R. W.; Chin, B. A. J. Nucl. Mater. 1982, 108-109, 299-305.

Void swelling is probably the most heavily researched and published radiation-induced phe­nomenon, although pressure vessel embrittlement has also received a similar amount of attention. A comprehensive review on void swelling and irradi­ation creep was written in 1994 1 and is now being revised116 not only to incorporate new insights devel­oped over the past decade and a half, but also to revise some earlier perceptions that have not sur­vived more recent examination. A brief summary of current knowledge relevant to the purpose of this review is provided in the following sections.

In some crystal systems, especially simple body — centered cubic (bcc) metals, the void swelling process is inherently self-limiting, usually saturating at some value below 5%.9 Such saturation is usually accompa­nied by a process referred to as ‘self-organization’ whereby voids arrange themselves in three­dimensional arrays that exhibit the same crystalline orientation as that of the crystal structure. Unfortu­nately, for most face-centered cubic (fcc) metals, espe­cially stainless steels, self-organization and saturation of void swelling do not operate under most reactor­relevant conditions, and as a result swelling in austen­itic stainless steels is an inherently unsaturable process.

Void swelling normally exhibits a transient or incu­bation regime where either no swelling or very slow swelling occurs before swelling moves to a steady-state rate. Tens of percent swelling have been reached in a number of reactor-relevant irradiation histories, and values of 80-90% swelling without hint of impending saturation have been attained in both model and com­mercial alloys during neutron irradiation.1,117,118 Swelling in excess of 200% was reached during proton irradiation of 316 stainless steel and saturation was eventually observed at ^260% swelling.119

An example of apparently nonsaturable void swelling in AISI 316 is presented in Figure 50.117 Note that the onset of rapid swelling, defined by termination of a ‘transient’ regime, is dependent on both irradiation temperature and dpa rate. The dpa rate dependence of the transient is not easily dis­cerned in Figure 50 where each irradiation temper­ature in this experiment is coupled with a specific dpa rate, with the range of dpa rates increasing ^65% from lowest to highest. It will be shown later that dpa rate is a very strong determinant of void swelling. The transient regime is terminated when the condi­tions for both void nucleation and especially rapid void growth have been attained.

The conditions for void nucleation must be favor­able to end the transient. This usually requires


Figure 50 Swelling determined by density change as a function of irradiation temperature and dose, as observed in 20% cold-worked AISI 316 irradiated in the EBR-II fast reactor. Reproduced from Garner, F. A.; Gelles, D. S. In Proceedings of Symposium on Effects of Radiation on Materials: 14th International Symposium; ASTM STP 1046; 1990; Vol. II, pp 673-683. All measurements at a given temperature were made on the same specimen after multiple exposures with subsequent reinsertion into the reactor. This procedure minimized specimen-to-specimen data scatter and assisted in a clear visualization of the posttransient swelling rate.

attainment of a dislocation network to the quasi­equilibrium value of ^3 x 10cm~ , either by reduction of higher cold-worked densities or build up from lower densities characteristic of annealed alloys.1 It also requires that the temperatures be low enough to guarantee sufficient supersaturation of vacancies or that elements (P, Si, Ni) that strongly increase the effective vacancy diffusion coefficient, and thereby depress void nucleation, be low enough or have been reduced via precipitation. Helium and other gases influence void nucleation and under some situations where nucleation is difficult can serve to shorten the transient duration.

Rapid void growth after sufficient nucleation of voids requires not only the attainment of the quasi-equilibrium dislocation density, but also that dislocation network be a ‘glissle’ network capable of moving mass quickly. Voids previously nucleated but still embedded in a ‘sessile’ microstructure composed primarily of Frank loops can grow but not quickly. Therefore, significant unfaulting of Frank loops is a prerequisite for termination of the transient and the onset of the high swelling rate.

As also shown in Figure 50, the terminal post­transient swelling rate of AISI 316 is typical of all austenitic stainless steel at ~1% per dpa, essentially independent of all irradiation or material vari — ables.1,120 This terminal rate also appears to be char­acteristic of Fe-Cr-Mn, Fe-Cr-Mn-Ni, and simple Ni-base alloys, although for the nickel-base %’/%» stabilized alloys the transients are generally much longer and insufficient amounts of swelling were attained in most studies to allow confirmation of the full generality of this statement of a universal steady — state swelling rate for all fcc alloys.1,121,122

In Fe-Cr-Mn and Fe-Cr-Mn-Ni alloys removal of highly diffusing Mn from voids and grain bound­aries via the inverse Kirkendall effect leads to these sinks becoming coated with lower-swelling ferrite phase, thereby producing a late-term decrease in the average swelling rate.1 ,