Category Archives: Alternative transportation

Renovo to show electric supercar prototype at CES

Renovo to show electric supercar prototype at CES

22 December 2014

Renovo Motors, Inc., will offer the first public viewing of its electric supercar prototype at the upcoming 2015 International CES in Las Vegas. (Earlier post.)


Using a factory-modified Shelby American CSX9000 rolling chassis (“Cobra Daytona Coupe”), Renovo’s eponymous coupe features twin mid-mounted sequential axial-flux motors producing more than 370 kW (500 hp) and 1,000 lb-ft (1,356 N·m) of torque, with a 0-60 mph time of less than 3.4 seconds. Top speed is more than 120 mph (193 km/h).

The Renovo Coupe is powered by a patent-pending 740 volt lithium-ion battery pack.

The coupe is on sale now in limited quantities and will begin shipping in 2015. The Renovo Coupe will be on display at the NVIDIA Booth #30307.

“We are absolutely thrilled to be attending the Consumer Electronics Show and to have the opportunity to display the Renovo Coupe alongside all of NVIDIA’s amazing new automotive technology. CES is the perfect stage for us to show the world what can be done with electric vehicles.

BNEF: Oil price plunge to have only moderate impact on low-carbon electricity development, but likely to slow EV growth

BNEF: Oil price plunge to have only moderate impact on low-carbon electricity development, but likely to slow EV growth

22 December 2014

The collapse in world oil prices in the second half of 2014 will have only a moderate impact on the fast-developing low-carbon transition in the world electricity system, according to research firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance. However, the slump in the Brent crude price per barrel from $112.36 on 30 June to $61.60 on 22 December will nevertheless have an impact in various sectors and regions. For example, if lower oil prices last, they are likely to slow the growth of the electric vehicle market, to some extent.


Earlier Bloomberg New Energy Finance analysis showed that, with gasoline at $2.09 per gallon, EV penetration in the US could reach 6% of the light-duty vehicle fleet by 2020, whereas with gasoline at $3.34, the EV share could be 9%. The share is less than 1% now.

The past five years have seen an average of $266 billion per year invested in clean energy worldwide. The majority of this has gone into renewable electricity generating capacity, which does not compete directly with oil. Wind and solar have been exhibiting very rapid growth, even as subsidies and support have in general become less generous, and that has been driven mainly by dramatic improvements to their cost-competitiveness, as well as by the removal of barriers such as grid bottlenecks.

In a number of oil-producing nations and many low-income developing countries, a significant proportion of electricity is produced by diesel generators and oil-burning power plants. With oil at $100/barrel, the replacement of these generators or their hybridization with renewables was just beginning to take off. While diesel and oil-based power is still uneconomic at $60/barrel, the pressure to switch is reduced. There could be a question mark over Saudi Arabia’s plan, announced in 2012, to invest $109bn in 41GW of solar power by 2032. Saudi Arabia burns up to 900,000 barrels of oil per day to generate over 50% of its electricity.

In the US, a lower oil price could nudge natural gas prices higher: shale oil production often produces associated gas; fewer rigs fracking for oil would have the effect of marginally reducing supplies of natural gas. Oil at $60/barrel could mean a natural gas price as much as $0.90/MMBtu higher than if oil was at $100/barrel, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance research.

With wind and even solar power increasingly competitive with coal and natural gas without subsidies, with many utilities needing to meet renewable portfolio standards, and with new EPA rules forcing coal plant retirements, the impact of lower oil prices on renewable energy in the US is expected to be insignificant.

In Europe, natural gas prices are often indexed to oil, so a lower oil price will tend to push down the gas price, although the relationship is complex: spot gas prices in Europe started their fall several months earlier in 2014 than Brent crude. In any case, renewable energy roll-out in Europe is generally driven by specific targets and policy initiatives, so cheaper gas, combined with a carbon price that has increased 44% so far in 2014, is likely to reverse the recent surge in coal-fired generation. In the UK, for instance, DECC’s Energy Trends, published last week, show coal-fired production down by 11.5TWh in Q3 2014 over the same quarter in 2013, a reduction of 43%, with gas gaining 8.0TWh and renewables 2.6TWh.

Lower oil prices will challenge the biofuels sector, which competes directly with oil as a transport fuel. However, in the US there is a volumetric mandate that ethanol must make up 10% of gasoline, so that underpins demand at current levels. In Brazil, ethanol has been competing against subsidized gasoline that sells at the pump for the equivalent of $65 per barrel, so the impact on ethanol from the oil price fall so far is likely to be small.

Ultimately, BNEF said, the impact of lower oil prices will depend on whether they are sustained. Some analysts expect a rapid recovery to $100/barrel oil, because this is the price required in order to justify ongoing exploration for new resources, but there are grounds for thinking that lower prices may persist.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance research shows that at $75/barrel, as many as 19 US shale regions would be unprofitable. However, existing wells would not be shut as long as they cover their variable cost, which is much lower, often at around $20 to $30/barrel. Thus production is removed only as well output declines, which would take 1-2 years in the absence of new fracking activity in those regions.

Perhaps of greater significance, however, is the growing understanding that this year’s slump in oil prices is more of a demand shock than a supply shock, driven by China’s slowdown and reduced US dependence on imported oil.

The orthodox view of unlimited oil demand growth simply does not hold in a world of super-efficient engines, electric vehicles, desperate air pollution problems, and action on climate. The US economy has grown by 8.9% since 2007, while demand for finished petroleum products has dropped by 10.5%. Improvements in gas mileage and reductions in miles driven per person have had more impact on cutting US oil imports than unconventional production. The story should not be how falling oil prices will impact the shift to clean energy, it should be how the shift to clean energy is impacting the oil price.

10 Things To Consider Before You Start An EV Conversion

Electric Conversions

Published on December 22nd, 2014
by Steve Hanley



The folks at Rebbl know a lot about converting a car with an internal combustion engine into an electric vehicle. They have made mistakes and learned from them so you don’t have to. Now they have taken all the hard earned knowledge and used it to create a list of 10 things you should ask yourself before you start your own EV conversion. Reading it may save you money and heartache down the road.

If you are considering an EV conversion, chances are you have spent some time under the hood of a car and know the difference between a 6 point and a 12 point socket. Whatever information you need to know about an EV conversion is out there somewhere on the internet, just waiting to be discovered. There are EV conversion forums you can go to for help. Several companies like Rebbl, EVTV and EVWest are happy to provide all the components you will need, give advice or share stories from others who have completed a conversion like yours successfully.

1. Do It Yourself Or Hire A Professional?

Doing the work yourself will give you a special sense of satisfaction when you are done. Assuming you ever get done, that is. Some say 90% of automotive restorations and conversions never get completed. They wind up collecting dust in the back of the garage without ever feeling the pavement under their tires.

Asking a pro to do the work will save you time and get  your new electric buggy on the road sooner so you can start enjoying it. But it will also add $10,000 or more to the final cost of your project. The old rule of “Buyer Beware” still applies. Be sure to check into the background and qualifications of the professional you are thinking of entrusting the work to.

Talk to people who have done business with him previously. Did he finish on time and within budget? Once a project gets started, it’s easy for costs to spiral out of control to cover unexpected developments. If you get into a dispute, the laws in your state may prevent you from getting your car back until you pay your bill in full, so make sure you are doing business with someone you trust.

2. What Type Of Vehicle Do You Plan To Convert?

For most people, the vehicle they plan to convert is the one that is already sitting in the garage. It could be that ’69 Mustang your grandmother left you or the ’94 Miata that died because you didn’t change the timing belt when you should have.

When it comes to EV’s, the most important consideration of all is weight. Big, heavy cars need bigger, more powerful motors to make them go. Bigger motors need bigger batteries and more sophisticated control systems. In this case, bigger means more expensive. Converting a 6000 lb. suicide door Lincoln Continental is going to cost a lot more than doing an 1800 lb Volkswagen Beetle.

Also, the Lincoln will need extra electrical power for the air conditioning, power steering, power windows and electric seats that came standard with the car from the factory. Better check your wallet before you dive into that project.

3. Sporty, Luxury Or Economy Car?

Do you want your EV to rival the new Tesla P85D in acceleration? 0-60 in 3.2 seconds is mighty sweet. But the Tesla needs about 700 horsepower to make that happen. Does you budget allow for that kind of performance?

What about top speed? Are you content to cruise the back roads at speeds up to 60 mph or do you want to burn up the autobahn at 155 mph? Once again, higher performance comes with higher costs.

Are you looking to build a drag strip or autocross championship winning machine? It’s gonna cost you. The oldest expression in auto racing goes like this: “Speed costs money. How fast do you want to spend?”

4. Do You Want Regenerative Braking?

Regenerative braking can add 10% or more to your EV’s range if you do mostly city driving. But on the highway it is much less important.

If you want your EV to feature regenerative braking, you will need an AC or brushless DC motor. Either will cost you about 30% more than a typical DC motor with brushes. If you don’t know the difference, you will probably be fine without the extra cost that regenerative braking entails.

Being able to recapture some of the kinetic energy from your car when you slow down sounds like a great idea and it is. But it also requires sophisticated battery and motor control systems that will add to the cost of your project. The time to decide whether you need it is before you begin. Regenerative braking is not something you can easily add after the project is completed.

5. What About Range?

Range and speed are closely connected. The further you want to go before you EV needs to be recharged, the more batteries you will need. Batteries are usually the most expensive component of an electric car, so adding more raises your costs considerably.

How will you use your EV when it is done? Do you plan to recreate the entire trip from Chicago to LA via old Route 66? That’s more than 2000 miles all the way, just like the song says. Or will you be content to potter around town, visit a few car shows, or just go for a Sunday drive? It’s important to know the answers to all these questions before you begin. Adding more batteries once the project is finished is usually a lot more expensive than making provisions for them at the beginning.

6. Has Anyone Done This Conversion Before? 

Conversions of old Volkswagen Beetles are pretty common. Conversions of a World War II era 2.5 ton Army truck are not. If you will be using a donor car that is a popular conversion choice, chances are that special parts, motor brackets, wiring harnesses and the like are already available and will save you both money and time compared to fabricating them from scratch. Why not take advantage of someone else’s mistakes and buy components that are already proven to work in the real world? Ordering off the shelf will cost considerably less money than hiring an engineer and a fabrication shop to build you a custom made doohickey or thingamajig.

Another consideration is dealing with your local Registry of Motor Vehicles. If you bring them something truly unique that no one has ever seen before, they might balk at giving it a passing grade when it comes to getting it inspected. Your shiny new conversion isn’t going to do you much good if you can’t drive it on the public streets. If you can show those gimlet eyed safety inspectors that a conversion like yours has been done before and blessed by officials in your state or elsewhere, that might tip the balance in favor of you getting the registration process completed successfully.

7. Are There Any Bargains Out There You Can Take Advantage Of?

Making batteries for electric cars is a new business for a lot of manufacturers. Some of them don’t make it and wind up in bankruptcy. Israeli start-up company Better Place went bankrupt in 2013 and its inventory got sold off for pennies on the dollar. Occasionally you might come across a battery from a Nissan LEAF or Chevy Volt that was in a collision and ended up in a recycling yard.

Of course, any battery from a damaged car or a bankrupt company will have no warranty, but if the price is right, it just might get your EV conversion process off to a good start and save you money that can be put to good use finishng the job in a timely fashion.

8. Can You Upgrade An Older EV?

Outside the US, companies like Fiat, Peugeot, Citroen and Renault offered electric versions of the Panda, Kangoo, 106, and Berlingo starting in 1990. These cars are sometimes available on E-bay for very little money. If you can find one and import it to the US, you can easily upgrade the lead acid or nickel cadmium battery they came with by swapping it for a lithium ion battery instead. Remember you will have to replace the charging system as well but after that you will have a car that has less weight and more power than it had when new.

9. What Kind Of Battery Management System Will You Need?

A battery management system (BMS) manages a rechargeable battery and protects it from operating outside its safe operating area, monitors its state of charge, controls its environment, and balances the charging and discharging of individual cells within the battery. In a balanced battery, the cell with the largest capacity can be filled without overcharging a weaker cell and it can be emptied without over-discharging any other cell. Battery balancing is done by transferring energy from or to individual cells, until the state of charge of the cell with the lowest capacity is equal to the battery’s total state of charge..

If you will be using a lithium ion battery in your conversion, you will need a “smart” BMS, which can cost several thousand dollars more than a basic BMS. Remember that if you have a “smart” BMS, you will need a “smart” charger as well.

10. What About Charging? 

How quickly will you need to recharge your EV when the conversion is done? If you have a small 17 kWh battery, a basic 2.5 kW charger is inexpensive and will do the job in about 6 hours. But if you want your 22 kWh battery pack to be fully charged in an hour or two, a 22 kW AC charger will set you back an extra $6,000 or so. When it comes to range and recharging times, you get what you pay for.


Unless you are planning on converting an old Ford Falcon into a car that will just take you around the block a few times, an EV conversion is going to cost you at least $25,000. High end conversions using a professional can set you back $100,000 or more. It’s best to go through a mental checklist like this before you begin to make sure you fully understand what the conversion will to cost you in terms of time, effort and money.

If you read the above sentence and found yourself saying, “Oh, that’s a bunch of baloney. I can do it for half of that,” you are very likely to find yourself chest high in fast water before you know it. My old Irish grandfather had a rule: “Do not start vast projects with half-vast ideas.” That’s pretty good advice!

Photo Credit: Zelectric


Next, use your Solar Report to get the best quote!

Tags: battery balancing, battery charging system, battery management system, electric conversion checklist, EV conversion cost, EV conversion resources, regenerative braking

About the Author

Steve Hanley I have been a car nut since the days when articles by John R. Bond and Henry N. Manney, III graced the pages of Road Track. I know every nut, bolt and bullet connector on an MGB from 20 years of ownership. I now drive a 94 Miata for fun and the occasional HPDE track day. If it moves on wheels, I am interested in it. Please follow me on Google + and Twitter.

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  • To anyone wanting an EV conversion project, I have a Bradley GTII (on a VW bug chassis) Motor and controller in it, Nice red paint. I personally have found a time/money paradigm issue. When I have the time to work on it, I don’t have the money. When I have money, I have no time.

ORNL, UT Austin team proposes optimization framework for hybrids; balancing fuel consumption, motor efficiency, battery capacity and life

ORNL, UT Austin team proposes optimization framework for hybrids; balancing fuel consumption, motor efficiency, battery capacity and life

22 December 2014

Sample output. Effect of increasing the β weighting factor (problem formulation with battery) and applying a higher cooling rate (problem formulation without battery) on the cumulative fuel consumption for the UDDS at a 70% target SoC. Shaltout et al. Click to enlarge.

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Texas at Austin have developed an optimization framework for hybrid-electric and plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs and PHEVs) including fuel consumption, motor efficiency, and battery capacity and lifetime. The approach, detailed in a paper accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions On Control Systems Technology, is intended to enhance the understanding of the associated tradeoffs among the HEV subsystems—e.g., engine, motor, battery—and to investigate the related implications for fuel consumption and battery capacity and lifetime.

With the framework, the performance of the subsystems can be tailored according to consumer preferences, such as reducing fuel consumption or extending battery life. Further, the ability to control battery performance indices—e.g., temperature—enables operating the battery at a higher target SoC (state of charge) without incurring safety concerns. As a result, the results of such analyses could have significant implications for the related HEV and PHEV ownership and warranty costs.


The main advantage of HEVs and PHEVs is the existence of individual subsystems, e.g., the internal combustion engine, the electric machines (motor and generator), and the energy storage system (battery) that can power the vehicle either separately or in combination. The supervisory power manage-ment control algorithm determines how to distribute the power demanded by the driver to these subsystems.

Traditionally, maximizing fuel economy and minimizing GHG emissions are the main objectives of the control development. With the introduction of batteries, prolonging the battery life is considered highly important during the control design from the consumer’s perspective due to associated ownership and warranty costs. Thus, it is necessary to develop a control framework for vehicle power management that will be able to balance maximum fuel economy, minimum GHG emissions, and extended battery life based on consumer’s needs and preferences.

… The objective of this paper and related research of the authors is to enhance our understanding of the associated tradeoffs among the HEV subsystems, e.g., the engine, the motor, and the battery. Addressing these tradeoffs and related implications in fuel consumption, motor efficiency, and battery capacity and lifetime can aid in developing power management control algorithms that prioritize these objectives based on consumer needs and preferences.

In this work, the researchers developed a multiobjective optimization framework that includes fuel consumption; motor efficiency; and the charge/discharge process to indirectly address battery use and lifetime. They also implemented a power management control algorithm yielding the Pareto optimal solution of the multiobjective optimization problem that minimizes the long-run expected average cost criterion in the stochastic control problem formulation.

The vehicle model was a pre-transmission parallel HEV model, with the hybrid propulsion system consisting of a gasoline engine coupled to an automatic transmission through a gear set and a clutch. The electric machine (motor/generator) is coupled through another gear set to the transmission input shaft. Both gear sets have been assigned to have unity gear ratios. The transmission output shaft is coupled to a final drive. The electric path of the hybrid propulsion system consists of the electric machine connected to a rechargeable battery. The available control variables are the engine and motor torques as the engine and motor speeds are determined by the vehicle speed.

They modeled the different components of the hybrid propulsion system—except for the battery—in Autonomie. Autonomie is a MATLAB/Simulink simulation package for powertrain and vehicle model development developed by Argonne National Laboratory. They replaced the battery model in Autonomie with their own.

The new computationally efficient battery model is able to capture charge–discharge behavior well to study thermal response of the batteries. Although for the paper they worked with a NiMH battery system, the analysis can be easily extended to a Li-ion battery system. The battery model is derived from the experimental discharge characteristics of the cell.

They used thee driving cycles in their analysis: the urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS); the FTP; and the New York. They compared the Pareto control policy corresponding to scenarios with and without the battery, to investigate the associated tradeoffs.

Tradeoff analysis between the battery performance and fuel consumption at 60% and 70% target SoC. Shaltout et al. Click to enlarge.

Ultimately, the proposed optimization framework establishes the foundation for addressing overall HEV optimization, including additional performance characteristics. Thus, paving many pathways for future research work. For instance, reducing the engine emissions can be considered in the multiobjective cost function, thus adding another element to the aforementioned set of consumer preferences. In addition, the proposed framework allows for augmenting the control inputs to include the transmission gearshift schedule as a separate control input, thus enhances the HEV optimal control problem.

This work was supported in part by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


  • Mohamed L. Shaltout, Andreas A. Malikopoulos, Sreekanth Pannala, and Dongmei Chen, “A Consumer-Oriented Control Framework for Performance Analysis in Hybrid
    Electric Vehicles” IEEE Transactions On Control Systems Technology doi: 10.1109/TCST.2014.2376472

Formula 1 2014: Mercedes W05 Deep-Dive (w/ Video)

Published on December 22nd, 2014
by Jo Borrás

Statistically speaking, the Mercedes-Benz F1 W05 Hybrid race car that took Lewis Hamilton to the 2014 World Drivers’ Championship was the most dominant car in the history of Formula 1. It won more races than the legendary McLaren MP4/4, beat out the active-handling Williams FW14B, and took its drivers to more wins than either 2004 Ferrari or 203 Red Bull.

It’s a heck of a car, is what I’m saying.

To explore the whys and hows of Mercedes’ 2014 Formula 1 dominance, however, Formula 1 correspondent James Allen has put together a series of technical drawings and animations- courtesy of F1 cutaway master, Giorgio Piola- and released them in a new video: Why Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes was the dominant F1 car of 2014.

I’ve shared that video, above, and have to believe that the smart money is on Lewis Hamilton and the crew at Mercedes-Benz to, once again, be the team to beat in Formula 1. Granted, the Fernando Alonso/Jenson Button pairing over at McLaren-Honda has a lot of people excited- but Honda’s last test session was hardly a revelation.

What do you guys think? Will the Mercedes W06 Hybrids be the class of the 2015 Formula 1 field? Will Sebastian Vettel succeed at Ferrari where Alonso could not? Will any of these things matter, now that Red Bull’s aero wizards have got their heads around the new power unit package and aero rules?

Watch James Allison’s video, above, then let us know what you think of Mercedes’ odds to repeat their double-championship in 2015 in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!


Mercedes-Benz F1 W05 Hybrid Racer

Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid

Sources | Images: James Allen, via Motorsport; Wikipedia.


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Tags: cutaway, deep dive, f1, Formula 1, how it works, Mercedes, mercedes w05, Mercedes-Benz, tech talk, Video, w05

About the Author

Jo Borrás I’ve been involved in motorsports and tuning since 1997, and write for a number of blogs in the Important Media network. You can find me on Twitter, Skype (jo.borras) or Google+.

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US Navy flies supersonic with 50% blend of Gevo ATJ

US Navy flies supersonic with 50% blend of Gevo ATJ

22 December 2014

The US Navy, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), and isobutanol provider Gevo, Inc. announced the first successful “alcohol-to-jet” (ATJ) (earlier post) supersonic flight at the Naval Air Warfare Center in Patuxent River, Md. This is the first aviation test program comprehensively to test and evaluate the performance of a 50/50 ATJ blend in supersonic (above Mach 1) afterburner operations—a critical test to successfully clear the F/A-18 for ATJ operations through its entire flight envelope.


In 2012, the US Air Force began ATJ flight testing with an A-10 Thunderbolt jet powered by a Gevo-produced blend of 50% ATJ fuel and 50% JP-8. (Earlier post.) Earlier this year, Lufthansa announced it would evaluate Gevo Alcohol-to-Jet renewable fuel for commercial aviation use. (Earlier post.)

The US Navy is exploring alternative fuels that can serve as drop-in replacements to petroleum, as the availability of additional fuel sources can increase resiliency for operational commanders and help reduce US dependence on fossil fuels. The Navy Fuels Team at Patuxent River is leading the Navy’s test and qualification efforts of alternative fuel sources. The F/A-18 testing is a significant milestone leading to a military specification (MIL-SPEC). This MIL-SPEC would allow for commercial supply of ATJ fuel to the Navy and Marine Corps.

Gevo produces ATJ at its demo biorefinery in Silsbee, TX, using isobutanol produced at its Luverne, MN, fermentation facility. Gevo is currently operating its Luverne plant in Side-by-Side operational mode, whereby isobutanol is being produced in one of the facility’s four fermenters, while the other three fermenters are dedicated to ethanol production. The isobutanol that Gevo is producing is meeting product specifications for direct drop-in applications, as well as for use as a feedstock for the Silsbee biorefinery to produce hydrocarbons such as ATJ.

The F/A-18 Hornet is a single-and two-seat, twin engine, multi-mission fighter/attack aircraft that can operate from either aircraft carriers or land bases. Its engine thrust from 36,000 pounds to 44,000 pounds utilizing two General Electric F414 turbo-fan engines.

Spied: 2016 Mercedes Plug-in Hybrid E Class

Hybrid Vehicles

Published on December 22nd, 2014
by Jo Borrás


2016 Mercedes Hybrid Plug-in

According to Paul Tan, the “flap” on the back end of this 2016 Mercedes-Benz E Class tester (caught during cold-weather testing) is proof positive that Mercedes is bringing a plug-in hybrid version of its bread-and-butter mid-size sedan to market … maybe before the end of 2015!

That small flap is visually similar to the one snapped on a prototype C Class plug-in hybrid earlier this year, and follows industry speculation that Mercedes’ upcoming plug-ins won’t be radical departures, styling-wise, from their internal-combustion counterparts.

So, a plug-in hybrid version of the 2016 Mercedes E Class is definitely coming. Which means that the big question, now, is whether or not the car will be called an E350 … or an E500.

If it’s an E350, we can probably look forward to the same 2.0 liter 4-cyl/electric motor combination we saw in Mercedes’ C Class hybrids. If it’s an E500- well, that’s another story.

To Mercedes fans, the E500 (or, in old-school Benz-speak, the 500E) is a storied name. It implies effortless Autobahn cruising at 155 MPH for hours and hours. It implies a car that can keep up with- if not beat!- Porsches in a straight line, and it suggests that the feat would require no sacrifice in comfort, quiet, or serenity. Such was the promise, and the legend, of the W124 E500.

If we get an all-new 2016 Mercedes E500, it could feature the 3.0 liter, twin-turbocharged V6 engine fitted to the $122,000 Mercedes SL400. In that car, without electric assist, the engine is good enough to take you and yours from 0 to 60 MPG in nearly 5 seconds, flat. With electric assist and all-wheel-drive?

This, ladies and germs, could be one of the all-time great Mercedes-Benz sedans. And it won’t even punish you at the pump!


2016 Mercedes Plug-in Hybrid E Class

  • Mercedes-E-1-850x539
  • Mercedes-E-3-850x545
  • Mercedes-E-7-850x543
  • Mercedes-E-8-850x542

Source | Images: Paul Tan.


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Tags: 2016, 2016 mercedes, 500E, BlueTec, e-class, hybrid, Mercedes, Mercedes E Class, mercedes hybrid, mercedes plug-in, Mercedes-Benz, plug-in, plug-in cars, plug-in hybrid

About the Author

Jo Borrás I’ve been involved in motorsports and tuning since 1997, and write for a number of blogs in the Important Media network. You can find me on Twitter, Skype (jo.borras) or Google+.

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2015 Yamaha eVino Arrives in Taiwan (w/ Video)

Published on December 22nd, 2014
by Jo Borrás

When Yamaha announced plans to offer a full, cradle-to-grave ecosystem of 100% electric motorcycles, many dismissed its plans as overly-ambitious green-washing. Here we are, barely a year later, however, and Yamaha has delivered on the first of its electrified promises. Meet the 2015 Yamaha eVino electric scooter.

Currently available for sale for the ultra-cheap price of just 58,500 New Taiwan Dollars (about $1850, USD), the 2015 Yamaha eVino features a large, practical cargo basket at the front along with a deep, under-seat storage space that- and I can speak from the sort of personal experience that comes with owning 3 of the things— will easily fit an XL 3/4 face helmet. Combined, the two storage spaces should make the little eVino an enormously competent grocery-getter and errand-runner.

Stylistically, the 2015 Yamaha eVino looks just like the standard Vino from the handlebars back. Up front, the large basket gives it a bit of a look, sure- but the star of the show for vintage scooter lovers is the fender-mounted headlight.

Fenderlight scooters are a thing, people. Trust me.

Beyond looking good and being immensely practical, capacity-wise, the new Yamaha eVino also features a clever removable battery pack, allowing apartment-dwellers or commuters to easily carry the battery pack into their homes or offices for all-day charging. Our more clever readers have already figured out that a small, removable battery pack could be placed at each location pre-charged, enabling all kinds of extended-range adventures for more interesting eVino riders.

The 2015 Yamaha eVino has a 20-25 MPH “moped” top speed, and a range of just over 15 miles on a single battery pack. With enough cargo capacity for a few dozen batteries, however, I can already think of some fun road test challenges for next year. Here’s hoping the little bike comes to the US, and that the super kick-ass Yamaha PES1 electric street fighter comes with it!


Source | Images: Yamaha, Motor Catalog, via Motorpasion.


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Tags: electric scooter, evino, Scooter, scooters, vino 125, vino 50, Yamaha, yamaha evino, yamaha vino, yamaha vino 125, yamaha vino 50

About the Author

Jo Borrás I’ve been involved in motorsports and tuning since 1997, and write for a number of blogs in the Important Media network. You can find me on Twitter, Skype (jo.borras) or Google+.

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Tesla Model S drivers in California can cruise the long stretch of road between Los Angeles and San Francisco with confidence, thanks to Tesla’s new battery swapping station in Harris Ranch, Calif.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the opening of the company’s first swapping station on December 19 via Twitter, saying it is currently operating in “limited Beta mode.” Shortly after his tweet, a blog post on Tesla’s website outlined the details of the station, including its location and a general reference to its cost, which the post says will be “slightly less than a full tank of gasoline for a premium sedan.” The post also said the swapping process takes around three minutes, although they are working on reducing that time to one minute through “further automation and refinements on the vehicle side.”

Rolling out battery swapping technology has been high on Elon Musk’s agenda for few years now. The Model S was designed to accept a mechanically replaced battery, and in 2013, Musk began teasing Tesla owners with the technology by demoing a battery swap live at Tesla’s LA Design studio.

This demo occurred in June 2013, shortly after Better Place, another company focused on battery swapping technology, liquidated and sold its assets. The failure of Better Place caused some to question the feasibility of battery swapping, but Better Place’s Board of Directors remained firm in their commitment to battery swapping, saying they still believed it was a worthwhile mission that they hoped others would continue to work toward.

“The vision is still valid and important and we remain hopeful that eventually the vision will be realized for the benefit of a better world. However, Better Place will not be able to take part in the realization of this vision,” Better Place’s Board of Directors said in a joint statement as the company closed down operations in May of 2013.

Despite Better Place’s unwavering optimism about battery swapping technology, critics suggest that certain factors make battery swapping impractical or unnecessary. These factors include convenience, after Musk stated in 2013 that customers who wanted to retrieve their original battery pack would have to return to the station where they swapped it out, and redundancy, in light of Tesla’s growing Supercharger network which offers a lifetime of free solar-powered charging to Tesla owners.

Tesla appears to be heeding these concerns and is taking a more cautious approach by using its beta-mode swapping facility as a testing ground to gauge the viability and demand for the technology. Based on its blog post, it seems the expansion of Tesla’s battery swapping efforts hinge largely on the beta facility’s success.

“Tesla will evaluate relative demand from customers for paid pack swap versus free charging to assess whether it merits the engineering resources and investment necessary for that upgrade,” Tesla said in its blog post.

Tesla, Fortune

Li-ion maker Boston Power secures US$290M from two local Chinese governments for expansion

Li-ion maker Boston Power secures US$290M from two local Chinese governments for expansion

22 December 2014

Li-ion maker Boston Power has secured US$290 million in local government financial support for the expansion of its two facilities in China. The company’s Liyang facility will receive a total investment of $160 million, increasing its manufacturing capacity fivefold by 2016. The company’s Tianjin facility will grow its capacity to 4GW by 2017, and is expected to reach 8 GWh in manufacturing capacity by 2018.


The expansion of these facilities will allow Boston Power to meet the growing demand by leading Chinese automakers in the Yangtze River Delta and throughout the Bohai Gulf in Northern China. China’s EV market is expected to reach US$35 billion by 2020, with demand for high-end lithium-ion batteries hitting 100 GWh.

China is the largest and fastest growing EV market in the world and leads in the manufacturing of Eco-EV and E-buses. Our analysis shows that this market will experience significant battery supply constraints over the next 3-5 years which we aim to address.

Boston Power’s products target multiple segments in the electric vehicle industry, all geared towards the growth of green, sustainable cities. In addition to premium cars, the company’s products cater to buses, sedans, taxis, and a variety of EVs designed for personal consumers and clean public transport operators.