Sugarcane Straw for Bioelectricity

Bioelectricity has been produced by burning the sugarcane straw in high-efficiency broilers. The production of bioelectricity could reach 11,500 MW by 2015 which would cover 15 % of Brazilian electricity. Brazilian sugarcane mills are self-sufficient for energy to produce more bioelectricity to cover their own necessary demand. Sugarcane bioelectricity offers environmental and economic benefits and a guarantee of electrical energy. Sugarcane bioelectricity is outstanding due to costs competitive­ness and reduction of greenhouse grass emissions.

16.2 Conclusion

Brazil is the main sugarcane-producing country and tries to use sugarcane straw as an alternative energy production. The main challenge is the recovery of sugarcane straw from the field. Mechanical technology can help to recover the straw from the field. Scientists are trying to develop the suitable technology for maximum recovery of sugarcane straw and production of energy.