Community Center

A polyfunction community center equipped with the modern technologies described in the technology transfer section was established in the village. Site for the center was determined by the community leaders involving women, and the NGO CARITAS. It is envisaged that as the center evolves the community will use the facilities more and more for education, especially information technology, improved health services, education and training, adult education classes, especially women literacy education, career development and job preparation services for young women, local access to business opportunities and telecommunications, support for micro-credit programs, civic/cultural education, radio and television news reception, and democracy and public information. It is also anticipated that as funds become available, the Center will be equipped with a special radio receiver, required to capture satellite signals from WorldSpace Foundation, (WSF).

1.1.1. Battery Charging Facility

Affordable stand-alone battery-only system design for residential lighting and other small load are made available to the inhabitants of the rural community. Those who can acquire these relatively inexpensive small systems for their homes, as well as owners of solar powered rechargeable lanterns, have the opportunity for recharging their batteries and lanterns at a charging station provided from the village power.