The subject in own didactic activity

This group of statements was designed to assess the state of art regarding the implementation of renewable energy subject in the didactic activity at micro level, which is the classroom level. The statements included here: (1) “I teach topics related to renewable Energy during my courses” and (2) “I have knowledge and competencies for teaching in the field of renewable energy” obtained low scores (close to the average), proving the fact that the subject is not highly approached in the scholar curricula. The highest scores were obtained by Germany and the lowest for Greece and Poland. It is also to be mentioned that the teachers having scientific and technical background had positive answers, but the ones teaching “humanities” had only negative appreciations.

The concept of sustainability is directed in three major fields, i. e., cultural, economical/technical and ecological, thus it can be inferred that this concept is less approached in pre-university schools.

b. The place of the subject in the curriculum

In order to get understanding on the state of art of the implementation of “renewable energy” topic, the teachers’ opinion about the place and the existence of this subject in the curriculum at national and at local level was asked. The respondents agreed the cross-curricular character of the subject. It is clear that the subject is not part of the curriculum at national or school level. A rather high number of respondents were not able to answer, this proving the lack of knowledge about the domain.

Considering the distribution by countries, here is to be mentioned the only case of Germany where the subject was declared as part of the school curriculum.