Dissemination activities related to solar cooling by means of the Project Best Results

J. Vicente11*, L. Bujedo1, C. de-Torre1 , P. Caballero1, C. Sanz1, S. Sanz1, A. Macia1.,

J, Rodriguez2

1CARTIF, Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo Parc 205, 47151 Boecillo, Spain
2Institute for Renewable Energy, EURAC Research. Viale Druso 1, 39100 Bozen/Bolzano. Italy

* Corresponding Author, iulvic@,cartif. es


The BEST RESULT project idea was born and developed by actors, involved in training and diffusion activities in the field of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) technologies, who experienced the strong need to raise the skills and know-how about RES among suppliers of house building and energy systems (installers, technicians, professionals, sellers, planners, etc.). Partners noticed the lack of knowledge amongst suppliers and the need to support both RES supply and demand in the sector of small scale RES applications in buildings. To solve this problem at a European level, the BEST RESULT partners are planning both common and local activities addressing RES suppliers, as basic and specialized training and updating events, workshops, visits to exchange know-how and working experiences, E-learning common platform. Many communication and information events will address the general public as part of the strategy to raise awareness of RES opportunities among European citizens. In this framework, CARTIF has carried out some tasks directed towards making diffusion of solar cooling and biomass: e-learning, training courses, local training workshops, technical visits, etc. Here we are going to focus on the solar cooling tasks giving first a general view of the project.

Keywords: solar cooling, renewable energy sources, buildings, training, diffusion.

1. Introduction

1.1. Objectives

As establish [1], the BEST RESULT project aims to develop a working strategy to extend the market of small scale RES applications in the building and energy sector through common and local activities addressing RES suppliers and consumers. All activities are aimed at opening new market opportunities and raising suppliers’ awareness and knowledge of RES applications by providing information and suggestions on how to improve their positioning inside the market. Information and communication activities targeting the general public or specific groups of consumers will simultaneously support the demand side. Strategies will be developed for a better internal and external communication tools among all the supply and demand actors of the building RES market. Good coordination and cooperation at European as well as at national and local level will permit to carry out interesting activities, bringing a common result in this European project fulfilment.