Discussion of the results, conclusions and future activities

As shown in figures 3 to 5 the presented MOS model improves considerably the output of the ARPS model simulation. Small amount of performance improvement may be obtained by the single convolution of each data block, instead of chaining, to avoid the boundary uncertainties at the borders of each of the data block on the training set (se section 4). However, to evaluate the operation of the statistical correction, the uncertainties under continuous boundary conditions have to be evaluated (see sections 3.2 and 5).

Furthermore, as the presented results are only based on simulated reanalysis data, they have to be still compared with the statistical corrections of ARPS simulations based on data of analysis, and forecast global simulations. The former is important to verify the performance loss for the analysis data. The latter is important to verify the statistical correction of both the analysis and the forecast uncertainties, since they appear in a combined form within the forecast results. Furthermore, actualizations of the NWP model may lead to additional uncertainties in the analysis and forecast corrections. With a forecast based on the reanalysis data, also named reforecast, these actualizations are avoided [12]. Additional performance improvement may be obtained by the inclusion of time series of other variables forecasted by the NWP [36]. Comparable to the MOS in [12], the presented MOS method DWT-ANN is only able to improve the forecasts at sites where measurements of the simulated variable are available. A solution for this problem is proposed in [36] with a site unspecific time series MOS, based on a wavelet model. This model may be applied with low uncertainties for the NWP output corrections of a limited region, as e. g. a city, where CSDHWS installations can be find in different locations.


The authors are indebted to the CAPES — Coordenagao de Aperfeigoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior for support to the present work and to Dr. Reinaldo Haas to place at disposal the simulated data using the ARPS model.


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