Comparing Measurements with Expectations

With collector parameters and the measurement data for irradiation, ambient temperature, inlet and outlet temperatures of the collector, it is possible to calculate a theoretically expected collector power. The comparison of expected and measured collector power is shown in Figure 4.

Additionally as a result of Raytracing calculations the theoretical optical efficiency was plotted over time in the same graph. The oscillation of the efficiency is produced by the shadow of the receiver, which moves from mirror row to mirror row. At 14:45 the shadow moves out of the mirror field, so that the optical efficiency theoretically increases up to 51% at 15:37 on that day.

Table 3. simulation parameters

Specular reflectivity of primary and secondary mirrors

R1=0.92, R2=0.77

Transmissivity of glass tube




Circum solar radiation CSR


Total mirror error

atot=10 mrad
