Inner Glazing Temperature

In cold climates such as Canada, perimeter heating is usually required in buildings when the inner glazing temperature falls below 16oC [12], in order to ensure occupant comfort near windows. Fig. 5 shows a comparison of the multi-glazing BIPV systems average monthly inner glazing temperatures for Yellowknife and Montreal. Contrary to configuration A, the inner glazing temperature of assemblies B and C are always close or greater than 16oC in the winter months. In addition, the inner glazing temperature of configuration C is always approximately 1 to 3oC greater than configuration B. Therefore, this particular system could be more beneficial than configuration B in the winter, since it would be possible to maintain occupant comfort with slightly less

perimeter heating. In the summer, however, the inner glazing can reach a temperature close to 24oC and 26oC in Yellowknife and Montreal, respectively. Thus, in Montreal configuration C could result in occupant discomfort.







Fig. 5 Average monthly inner glazing temperature for Yellowknife (a) and Montreal (b).