Modeling environment

The solutions of adequate solar protections in terms of visual comfort were determined by using Energy Plus, Daysim and Google Sketchup. Several reasons can explain this choice:

Подпись: The simulations were run by using hourly TMY weather data files. Figure 1: Modeling environment and given outputs : Daylight autonomy ( Daysim), lighting index and solar radiation through the room (Energy Plus)

The 3D modeller Google Sketchup is now widely used as a design tool of reference internationally [7]. Besides, the intuitive handling is very easy and allows to quickly model a whole building ;Energy Plus is a widely used thermal simulation programme as well [8].. More recently an Energy Plus plugin has been developed for Sktechup by the DOE. The plugin allows to run Energy Plus simulation from Sketchup. DAYSIM is a daylighting analysis software that calculates the annual daylight availability in arbitrary buildings as well as the lighting energy use of automated lighting controls. Also, Daysim can be called once the building has been described under Sketchup [9].