Winter measurements

Concerning the external conditions the monitoring periods that presented lower temperatures during more time were the ones corresponding to the measurements made in housing units1a, 2, 4,

5 and 9, during approximately 5% of the time the temperatures were below 5°C and in approximately 30%-40% of the time the temperatures were between 5°C and 10°C. The other periods had temperatures between 5°C and 10°C approximately 20%-25% of the time.

All the different monitoring, the exterior temperature was most of the time between 10°C and 15°C, near or than 50% of the time. The corresponding measurement periods in the housing units 7, 8, 10 and 11 were the ones to show temperatures between 10°C and 15°C during comparatively more time than the others, approximately 65% of the time. For the different monitoring periods the temperature was between 15°C and 20°C in approximately 10%-20% of the time. Only the measurements in housing units1b, 8 and 11b resulted in exterior temperatures between 20°C and 25°C.

None of the compartments monitored during the 2007-2008 winter months presented interior temperatures below 15°C. However, some had temperatures below 18°C. The only apartment with glazing areas practically to the south that had temperatures below 18°C was dwelling 9 (7%-20% of the time), because it was closed and unoccupied during some time (windows closed and blinds lowered). The other housing units that had temperatures below 18°C were dwelling 8 (west) in 16%-26%of the time, and dwelling 5 (east) in 0,5%-4% of the time.

The compartments of the housing units with glazing areas oriented practically west and east were the ones that presented interior temperatures between 18°Cand 20°C during more time, approximately between 55% and 70% of the time. Only some compartments with glazing areas practically to the south presented temperatures between 18°C and 20°C, these were housing unitsla, 3, 9 and 11a, in 6% to 26% of the time. The compartment of dwelling 1 with glassed area to the north, presented temperatures between 18°C and 20°C in 32%-52% of the time.


It was the dwellings with glazing areas oriented to the south, SSE and SSW that presented the temperatures between 20°C and 25°C for more time, on the average 85% of time; while the west presented between 4% and 45% of the time. In some compartments with glazing areas practically to the south (S, SSE, SSW) temperatures above 25°C were obtained even in the cold season; these were housing units: 1 (11%-14% of the time), 2 (10%-27% of the time), 4 and 11 (1-1,5% of the time).

Mean of the mean temperatures: The average of the exterior average temperatures was 11,5°C during the different monitoring periods, while the average of the interior average temperatures in the different monitored compartments was approximately 21°C. For the compartments with glazing areas practically to the south, the average of the average temperatures was approximately 22°C, while for the compartments with glazing areas practically to the east and west was approximately 19,8°C.

Mean of the maximum temperatures: The average of the maximum exterior temperatures was approximately 15°C during the different monitoring periods. For the compartments with glazing areas practically to the south the average of the maximum temperatures was approximately 23°C, being that for dwelling 1 was approximately 25°C and for dwelling 2 25°C-27°C. Some housing units presented an average of the maximum temperature below or very close to 20°C, these were mainly the compartments with glazing areas oriented to the west, east and north. In dwelling 1, while a living room compartment (facade S +E) presented an average of the maximum temperature

of 25°C, the bedroom (facade north) presented an average of 20°C. When comparing dwelling 2 with 5 (similar exterior conditions and average of the maximum temperatures), dwelling 2 presented an average of the maximum temperatures higher than dwelling 5 of 4°C -5°C.

Подпись: Fig.11. Thermal amplitude for the different compartments - winter 2007-2008.

Mean of the minimum temperatures: The average of the exterior minimum temperatures was 8-9°C in the different monitoring periods. Most of the studied compartments with glazing areas practically to the south presented an average of the minimum temperatures greater than 20°C (in general close to 21°C), the west and east housing units had averages lower than 19°C. In dwelling 1, the living room had an average of the minimum temperature of 22°C, while the bedroom 19,7°C.

The exterior thermal amplitude practically varied between 13°C and 18°C in the different monitoring periods. The largest interior thermal amplitude was obtained in the measurements performed in housing units 8 and 11, while the lowest was obtained during the measurements in dwelling 7. The largest interior thermal amplitudes were obtained during the measurements in the compartments with glazing areas oriented practically to the south, amplitudes varying between 5°C and 11°C. Only dwelling 4 had amplitude of 2,5°C, and this due to a heating system type (programmed to maintain temperature of 22 ° C). In the remaining monitored compartments (with glazing areas practically to the east, west and north) the thermal amplitudes were between 3°C e 4,5°C.

3. Conclusions

This paper shows the results obtained in a group of building apartments block during a monitoring campaign (2007-2008), in summer and winter, in order to study the internal thermal comfort in building with similar characteristics (high percentage of glazing area 75% of facade area), that have been recently built in Lisbon. The results shows for summer period that all dwellings presented mean temperature above 25°C, close to 80% — 90% of the time the housing units that have large south facing glazing areas reached temperatures above 27°C. In winter monitoring period the registered mean temperatures was 21°C. It was also verified that: the apartments with large south facing glazing areas has temperatures above 23°C, and on certain occasions even reach 28°C. The fractions with large east and west facing glazing areas showed mean temperatures normally between 19°C and 21°C (the minimum temperature observed was equal to 17°C). These very high temperature values in winter can be explained by the existence large glazing areas and the adaptation of high insulated levels for the opaque envelope. With the inquiry distributed among the occupants it was possible to confirm that the conventional heating systems were switched on often. The results shows also that in most of the apartments are uncomfortable conditions in both summer and winter seasons if for comfort temperature are considered 25°C and 20°C, respectively. In these kinds of buildings it is necessary to take much care with the glazing areas and solar protection. The relative humidity was normally between 35% and 65% in the monitored housing units for both seasons.

— Portugal /


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